100% thanks a lot. :)

On Tue, 9 Oct 2018 at 16:31, Timo Paulssen <t...@wakelift.de> wrote:

> --output is for the compiler's compilation stages
> for example:
> timo@schmand ~> perl6 --output=/tmp/outputtest --target=mbc -e 'say "hi"'
> timo@schmand ~> moar --dump /tmp/outputtest | head
> MoarVM dump of binary compilation unit:
>   SC_0 : B1DFAD9164F11E967B354508CC458ABAB8DEDC27
>   SC_1 : D71FD1C8B1B40FC9B294068F2EC29C505914FDC6-0
>   SC_2 : 0808522FF10EC773B02A4C55883CC154BB964DE2
>   Callsite_0 :
>     num_pos: 0
>     arg_count: 0
>   Callsite_1 :
> Most of the compilation stages don't work with --output, which could be a
> bug. However, --output isn't supposed to change what $*OUT is set to in the
> script.
> Hope that helps
>   - Timo
> On 09/10/2018 15:18, Simon Proctor wrote:
> So... I'm working through some notes for a talk on Thursday and I am
> trying to work out how the --output flag is supposed to work.
> I would expect this to create a file called test and print "Hi\n" in it :
> perl6 --output=test -e 'say "Hi"'
> But instead I got Hi printed to the command line and an error :
> Use of Nil in string context
>   in any print at gen/moar/stage2/NQPCORE.setting line 850
> Trying use it on a sime file (say "Hi") and it also doesn't do that.
> (Note that the test file is created but it's empty).
> Any ideas?
> --
> Simon Proctor
> Cognoscite aliquid novum cotidie
> http://www.khanate.co.uk/

Simon Proctor
Cognoscite aliquid novum cotidie


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