On Thursday, October 25, Richard Hainsworth wrote: 
> >&exit.wrap: -> $status { $exit-args = $status; fail }
> Is the call to 'fail' replicating the original action of &exit?

No -- the call to fail is throwing an exception.  The idea
is that the exception could then be caught in the test.

> >&note.wrap: -> |c { $note-args = c; callsame; }
> Does this mean that the next routine in a chain (in this case `exit note ...
> `), so in fact `exit`, is called?

No -- "callsame" is calling the original "note".

> >$*ERR.^find_method('print').wrap: -> |c { True; }
> This wrap I am not so clear about. Why is `^find_method('print') needed?

Since callsame called note (above) note will still print
to stderr -- if we want to intercept this, i.e. to not print
to stderr, we can wrap the 'print' method of $*ERR.

This is just one of doing it...maybe I did more wrapping than
necessary :-)  And in any case, in a test suite, some of
these wraps might have to be temporary. (so that they
don't interfere with code in the test suite)


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