> I sub-divided it into four parts with a dependency tree like so:

Let's try that again for those of us not living in a fixed-width world...

Object::Examine  -- "menu", a verbose but readable "^methods"
method-menu      -- "m", an alias to "menu" (does an augment on Any)
Augment::Util    -- "recompose_core": propagate changes from an augment
Symbol::Scan     -- "list_core_type_objects": find everything in core

On 11/4/18, Joseph Brenner <doom...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I pushed out the perl6 code I've been working on to github and CPAN.
> I sub-divided it into four parts with a dependency tree like so:
>                        Symbol::Scan
>                          |
>   Object::Examine      Augment::Util
>     |                    |
>     |--------------------/
>     |
>   method-menu
> The goal here was to be able to go into the repl with:
>   perl6 -Mmethod-menu
> ... and have an "m" method everywhere that dumps a verbose but
> human-readable list of all available methods.  (I like ^methods a
> lot, but the output is often very peculiar and you have to know
> about the ":all" argument to really see all your options.)
> This set-up confines the evil step to a very small module, where
> all the functionality is available in other ways if you don't
> want to indulge in "augment".  You could just use Object::Examine
> and get a role that provides a similar method (named "menu"
> instead of "m").
> The Augment::Util and Symbol::Scan branch there is the workaround
> for the current problems with getting augment to propagate down
> an inheritance chain.
> I had a number of hassles with getting ready to ship, so there's evidently
> some bugs in my META6.json I need to fix (neither Ddt or Test::Meta6 were
> working for me, and I find I've got problems with secure github
> uploads *again*...).

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