On Wed, Feb 06, 2019 at 12:38:01PM -0800, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> $ p6 'my Str $x="abcd"; for $x.comb.kv -> $i, $j {say "Index <$i> = <$j> =
> ord <" ~ ord($j) ~ ">";}'
> Index <0> = <a> = ord <97>
> Index <1> = <b> = ord <98>
> Index <2> = <c> = ord <99>
> Index <3> = <d> = ord <100>
> Certainly very practical.  If dealing with large strings, is
> it the most efficient?

.comb is intended to be more efficient than .split for this particular 
application, yes.

"comb" is about obtaining the substrings you're looking for (individual 
characters in this case); "split" is about finding substrings between the 
things you're looking for.


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