On 3/15/19 2:35 AM, Simon Proctor wrote:
All looking good so far. what is it you're wanting from this data?

Hi Simon,

Thank you!

What this is for is a backup routine.  I am checking for
the highest instance of any jammed running instances of
[xfa]dump.  If I find any, I "kill -9" it and walk backwards
until I have them all killed.

Once I am sure there are no long any jammed [xfa]dump's running,
then I cut loose my own instance of [xfa]dump.

This is bash script language.

GetLastDumpPID () {
local Last=$(ps ax | grep "[d]ump " | awk '{print $1}' | /usr/bin/sort -r | /usr/bin/sed -n '1p')
   echo $Last

KillJammedDumps () {
   local PID="`GetLastDumpPID`"

   if [ -z "$PID" ]; then
      echo " ... No jammed dumps detected"

      while [ -n "$PID" ]
            echo " ... kill jammed dump PID <"$PID">"
            kill -9 $PID

   echo " "


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