On 11/3/19 3:15 PM, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
Hi All,


I just upgraded Fedora from 30 to 31.

I upgraded to rakudo-pkg-Fedora31-2019.07.1-03.x86_64.rpm
from https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releases

Now P6 can not find my subs inside my modules:

# perl6 -I/home/linuxutil/p6lib -MPrintColors -e 'PrintGreen( "Hi\n" );'
     ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling -e
     Undeclared name:
         PrintGreen used at line 1

[editorial comment] AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! [/editorial comment]

The stock "rakudo" and "rakudo-zef" that resides in the
Fedora repo's has the same issue.

Many thanks,

Follow up:

Fedora 31 became hard nosed about my mistakes.  Tom
called it.

I had thought all my modules used "unit module MyModule;", but
into everyone life a little humility must fall, not all of them were. They are now.

And everyone that imported things suddenly demanded I
use :some-key nicknames, which makes my code a lot
easier to maintain.

Everything is behaving now.  Thank you!


Lets hope my modules still like the position of the moon
when it goes down!

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows

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