Hi All,

My latest three modules.  two more in the works that use these:


WinReg.pm6 about killed me!


# unit module WinReg;
# WinReg.pm6


   Utilities to operate on the Windows registry

   perl6 -I. -c WinReg.pm6

   Test one liner:
      perl6 -I. -e "use WinMount :GetLUA; say GetLUA();"
perl6 -I. -e "use NativeConstants; use WinReg :WinReadRegKey; say WinReadRegKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Q[SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system], Q[EnableLUA], REG_DWORD, True ).base(16);" perl6 -I. -e "use NativeConstants; use WinReg :WinReadRegKey; say WinReadRegKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Q[SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion], Q[ProductName], REG_SZ,True );"









use NativeCall;
use NativeConstants;
use WinMessageBox :WinMsg;

sub to-c-str( Str $str ) returns CArray[WCHAR]  {
   my @str := CArray[WCHAR].new;
   for ( $str.comb ).kv -> $i, $char { @str[$i] = $char.ord; }
   @str[ $str.chars ] = 0;

sub OpenKey( WinRegHives $Hive, Str $SubKey, $Debug ) {

    Open the key:


    LSTATUS RegOpenKeyExW(
       HKEY    hKey,          # Hive name (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE)
LPCWSTR lpSubKey, # path to the key(/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/System/EnableLUA)
       DWORD   ulOptions,     # 0
       REGSAM  samDesired,    # KEY_READ (0x20019), KEY_SET_VALUE (0x0002)
PHKEY phkResult # A pointer to a variable that receives a handle to the opened key

   my Str $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;

   my int32 $Handle;
   my int32 $RtnCode = 0;

   my $lpSubKey      = to-c-str( $SubKey );

   my int32 $ulOptions  = 0;
   my int32 $lpData     = 0;
my int32 $lpcbData = 1024; # In: the maximum amount of bytes allowed in the return variable
                                 # Out: the value of the key
   my int32 $lpReserved = 0;

   if $Debug { say "$SubName"; }
sub RegOpenKeyExW( DWORD, WCHARS, DWORD, DWORD, DWORD is rw) is native("Kernel32.dll") returns DWORD { * }; $RtnCode = RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, $lpSubKey, $ulOptions, KEY_READ, $Handle );

   if not $RtnCode == 0  || $Debug == True  {
my $ErrStr ="ERROR: $SubName\n Handle $Handle\n RtnCode $RtnCode\n" ~
          "Unable to open $Hive" ~ Q[\] ~ $SubKey ~ "\n";
      say $ErrStr;
      WinMsg( "Open Error", $ErrStr );

   return $Handle;

sub CloseKey( int32 $Handle, $Debug ) {

    Close the key


    LSTATUS RegCloseKey(
HKEY hKey # handle to the open key to be closed. See RegOpenKeyExW phkResult

   my Str $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;

   my int32 $RtnCode = 0;

   if $Debug { say "$SubName"; }
   sub RegCloseKey( DWORD ) is native("Kernel32.dll") returns DWORD { * };

   $RtnCode = RegCloseKey( $Handle );

   if not $RtnCode == 0  || $Debug == True {
      say "ERROR: $SubName\n   Handle $Handle\n   RtnCode $RtnCode\n";


sub WinReadRegKey( WinRegHives $Hive, Str $SubKey, Str $KeyName, ValueNames $ValueName, Bool $Debug = False ) is export( :WinReadRegKey ) {


    Return "Any" value of $Hive\$SubKey\$KeyName

    For Example:

$SubKey = Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies # no leading or trailing slashes
    $KeyName = EnableLUA

       Raku's NativeCall

       Win32 return codes:


    Read the key:
    use RegQueryValueExW if you know key and value name

    LSTATUS RegQueryValueExW(
       HKEY    hKey,          # Hive handle from OpenKey
       LPCWSTR lpValueName,   # key name (EnableLUA)
LPDWORD lpReserved, # give it "int32" without the quotes to give it a NULL LPDWORD lpType, # Registry Value Type (REG_DWORD which is 32 bit)
       LPBYTE  lpData,        # Pointer to the return value
       LPDWORD lpcbData       # number of bytes in the return value


   my Str $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;
   my Str $OS      = $*KERNEL.name;
   if not $OS eq "win32" {
      say "Sorry, $SubName only work in Windows.";
      exit; }

   my int32 $Handle;
   my       $RtnCode;
   my Any   $KeyValue;

my $lpSubKey = to-c-str( $SubKey ); # SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
   my $lpValueName = to-c-str( $KeyName ); # EnableLUA

   my int32 $ulOptions  = 0;
#   my int32 $lpData; #     = 1024;
   my BYTES $lpData = CArray[BYTE].new( 0 xx 1024 );

   my int32 $lpcbData   = 1024;   # max size of returned data

   $Handle = OpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, $SubKey, $Debug );

   if $Debug  { say "$SubName"; }
sub RegQueryValueExW( DWORD, WCHARS, DWORD, DWORD, CArray[BYTE] is rw, DWORD is rw ) is native( "Kernel32.dll" ) is symbol( "RegQueryValueExW" ) returns DWORD { * }; $RtnCode = RegQueryValueExW( $Handle, $lpValueName, 0, 0, $lpData, $lpcbData );

   if $Debug  { say "$SubName: data received, byte count $lpcbData"; }

   if not $RtnCode == 0  {
say "ERROR: $SubName\n Handle $Handle\n RtnCode $RtnCode, 0x$RtnCode.base(16) " ~ "\(2 KeyNotFound; 6 handle; 87 Invalid Parameter; 234 More data\)\n" ~
      "   lpcbData data length $lpcbData\n";

   CloseKey( $Handle, $Debug );

   if $RtnCode == 0  {

      if $ValueName eq REG_SZ                        ||
         $ValueName eq REG_EXPAND_SZ                 ||
         $ValueName eq REG_LINK                      ||
         $ValueName eq REG_LINK                      ||
         $ValueName eq REG_MULTI_SZ                  ||
         $ValueName eq REG_RESOURCE_LIST             ||
         $ValueName eq REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR  ||
            loop (my $Index=0; $Index < $lpcbData - 2 ; $Index += 2) {
               $KeyValue ~= chr( $lpData[ $Index ] );

         } else {
            # say "lpData = $lpData";
            loop (my $Index = 0; $Index < $lpcbData; $Index += 1 ) {
               my BYTE  $x = $lpData[ $Index ]; # say $x.base(16);
               my int32 $y = $x +| 0x0000;      # say $y.base(16);
               $KeyValue += ( $y +< ( $Index * 8 ) );
               # say "KeyValue = $KeyValue   $KeyValue.base(16)\n";;

   } else {
      $KeyValue = "ERROR";
my $ErrStr ="ERROR: $SubName\n Handle $Handle\n RtnCode $RtnCode\n" ~ "Unable to open $Hive" ~ Q[\] ~ $SubKey ~ Q[\] ~ $KeyName ~ Q[::] ~ $ValueName ~ "\n";
      say $ErrStr;
      WinMsg( "Open Error", $ErrStr );


   return $KeyValue;

# unit module WinMessageBox;
# MessageBox.pm6


    This Module provides access to Windows "user32" MessageBox function and
give a WinMsg to substitute for Windows Professional's msg.exe program, without
    the networking.

This module is not able to retrieve information from the user other than the buttons

       Test one liners:
perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinMessageBox :MessageBox; say MessageBox( 'Some Title', 'Something Cleaver', MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_OK );" perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinMessageBox :MessageBox; say MessageBox( 'Some Title', 'Something Cleaver', MB_ICONQUESTION, MB_YESNOCANCEL ); perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinMessageBox :MessageBox; say MessageBox( 'Some Title', 'Something Cleaver', MB_ICONERROR, MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE );"

perl6 -e "use lib '.'; use WinMessageBox :WinMsg; say WinMsg( 'Some Title', 'Something Cleaver' );"




use NativeCall;
use NativeConstants;

enum Icons (
   MB_ICONEXCLAMATION   => 0x00000030,
   MB_ICONWARNING       => 0x00000030,
   MB_ICONINFORMATION   => 0x00000040,
   MB_ICONASTERISK      => 0x00000040,
   MB_ICONQUESTION      => 0x00000020,
   MB_ICONSTOP          => 0x00000010,
   MB_ICONERROR         => 0x00000010,
   MB_ICONHAND          => 0x00000010

enum Buttons (
   MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE  => 0x00000002,
   MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE => 0x00000006,
   MB_HELP              => 0x00004000,
   MB_OK                => 0x00000000,
   MB_OKCANCEL          => 0x00000001,
   MB_RETRYCANCEL       => 0x00000005,
   MB_YESNO             => 0x00000004,
   MB_YESNOCANCEL       => 0x00000003

enum MessageBoxReturn (
   ABORT     =>  3,
   CANCEL   =>  2,
   CONTINUE => 11,
   IGNORE   =>  5,
   NO       =>  7,
   OK       =>  1,
   RETRY    =>  4,
   TRYAGAIN => 10,
   YES      =>  6

sub MessageBoxW(
   is native("user32")
   is symbol("MessageBoxW")
   returns INT
{ * };

sub MessageBox(
   Str $Title,
   Str $Message,
   Icons $Icon = Icons::MB_ICONINFORMATION,
   Buttons $Button = Buttons::MB_OK
   returns MessageBoxReturn is export( :MessageBox )

    Pop up a message box to the user.
    Windows only.
    Return what button was pressed

    See top for test one liners

   my Str $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;
   my Str $OS      = $*KERNEL.name;

   if not $OS eq "win32" {
      say "Sorry, $SubName only work in Windows.";

my $lpText = CArray[uint16].new( $Message.encode.list ); $lpText[$lpText.elems] = 0; my $lpCaption = CArray[uint16].new( $Title.encode.list ); $lpCaption[$lpCaption.elems] = 0;
   my $uType     = $Icon +| $Button;   # bitwise OR them together

return MessageBoxReturn( MessageBoxW( my $Handle, $lpText, $lpCaption, $uType ));

sub WinMsg( Str $TitleStr, Str $MessageStr ) is export( :WinMsg )  {

Simple "Ok" pop up with no return value. Thjis as a subsitute for Windows `msg.exe` program
    that only runs in the Professinal version and without the netowrking.

    See top for test one liners

   my Str $SubName = &?ROUTINE.name;
   my Str $OS      = $*KERNEL.name;
   if not $OS eq "win32" {
       say "Sorry, $SubName only work in Windows.";

   return  MessageBox( $TitleStr, $MessageStr, MB_ICONINFORMATION, MB_OK );

# unit module NativeConstants;
# NativeConstants.pm6


    Constants used across Windows libraries that use Native Call

Reference to types and values: http://dsource.org/projects/tango/ticket/820






    perl6 -I. -c NativeConstants.pm6

    Test one liner:
perl6 -I. -e "use NativeConstants; say FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER.base(16);"


use NativeCall;

constant BYTE     := uint8;
constant WCHAR    := uint16;
constant DWORD    := int32;
constant REGSAM   := int32;
constant WCHARS   := CArray[WCHAR];
constant BYTES    := CArray[BYTE];
constant CPOINTER := int32;

constant INT      = int32;
constant UINT     = uint32;
constant HANDLE   = Pointer[void];
constant LPWCTSTR = CArray[WCHAR];

constant FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM     = 0x00001000;
constant FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS  = 0x00000200;

constant KEY_QUERY_VALUE   = 1;
constant ERROR_SUCCESS     = 0; # Win-Api  0 = success

constant KEY_READ      = 0x20019;
constant KEY_SET_VALUE = 0x0002;

enum WinRegHives (
   HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT     => 0x80000000;
   HKEY_CURRENT_USER     => 0x80000001;
   HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE    => 0x80000002;
   HKEY_USERS            => 0x80000003;
   HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA => 0x80000004;
   HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG   => 0x80000005;
   HKEY_DYN_DATA         => 0x80000006;

enum ValueNames (
   REG_NONE                       => 0;   # No value type
   REG_SZ                         => 1;   # Unicode nul terminated string
REG_EXPAND_SZ => 2; # Unicode nul terminated string = (with environment variable references)
   REG_BINARY                     => 3;   # Free form binary
   REG_DWORD                      => 4;   # 32-bit number
REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN => 4; # 32-bit number = (same as REG_DWORD)
   REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN           => 5;   # 32-bit number
   REG_LINK                       => 6;   # Symbolic Link = (unicode)
   REG_MULTI_SZ                   => 7;   # Multiple Unicode strings
REG_RESOURCE_LIST => 8; # Resource list in the resource map REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR => 9; # Resource list in the hardware description
   REG_QWORD                      => 11;  # 64-bit number
   REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN        => 11;  # same as REG_QWORD

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