On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 08:27 Trey Harris <t...@lopsa.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 23:57 ToddAndMargo via perl6-users <
> perl6-users@perl.org> wrote:
>> Hi Al,
>> Now what am I doing wrong?
>>  > my Int $u = 0xF8; say $u.Range;
>> Invocant of method 'Range' must be a type object of
>> type 'Int', not an object instance of type 'Int'.
>> Did you forget a 'multi'?
>> When is an Int not an Int?
> This false statement illustrates: “0xF8 (248) is evenly divisible by 31.
> 248 is an Int. Therefore, an Int is evenly divisible by 31.” That’s the
> difference. One is the idea of an Int, the other is a particular Int.
> In practice, this means that you can get a .Range operation out of the Int
> type (without arguments, a.k.a. just `Int.Range`, it is the range of all
> integers from -Inf to Inf), but not out of a particular Int.
> That would not be well-defined: would it be the range of Ints from zero to
> the given Int, from 1 to the given Int, or from something different
> depending on if the Int is a positive or negative number, and would
> $negativeInt.Range go backwards of forwards?

Actually, going back to typed lambda calculus, there is one well-defined
definition: from the given integer to infinity away from zero.

Since Ranges in Raku are always ordered in one direction (that is,
Inf..-Inf is a void range, as is any range where the beginning is larger
than the end), this definition is unimplementable, so it’s for the best
that Range fails for Int:D.

>> Perplexed,
>> -T

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