
I'm porting some personal perl5 scripts to Raku, and  one of those
scripts  is using Inline::C.

The inline::c code would contain a function with the signature:

AV* encode(unsigned char* data, size_t data_size)

Description of the parameters on the original perl script:
data -> binary string (the value comes from read $FH)
data_size -> size in bytes of binary_string (the value comes from the
return of the read function)

And it would return an array with two values (a binary string and its crc32):

SV* enc_string = newSVpv(buffer, 0);
SV* ret = sv_2mortal(newAV());
av_push(ret, enc_string);
SV* hex_string = newSVpv(hex_number, 0);
av_push(ret, hex_string);
return ret;

Now for using it in raku, i'm changing  the return value to a struct:
typedef struct{
  unsigned char* data;
  uint32_t crc32;
} EncodedData;

So i changed the signature to:
EncodedData encode(unsigned char* data, size_t data_size)

And i'm returning the struct:
EncodedData ed;
ed.crc32 = crc32;
ed.data = encbuffer;

return ed;

Create a shared lib gcc -shared -olibmylib.so mylib.c

Now on my raku script i did:
class EncodedData is repr('CStruct') {
    has uint32 $.crc32;
    has str $.data;

sub MAIN() {
    sub encode(str $data, size_t $size --> EncodedData) is
native('lib/MyLib/libmylib.so') {*};
    my EncodedData $ed = encode("this is my string that will be
encoded", "this is my string that will be encoded".chars );
    say $ed.crc32.base(16);
    say $ed.data;
However this isn't working. Everytime i access "$ed.data" I'm getting
the following error:
"fish: 'raku bin/uints.p6' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address
boundary error)"

Why? How do i fix it?

Also the read method from the IO::Handle returns a Buf. I would like
to pass it directly to my C function. Is there any change in the
C/raku code i should do?
The data field from class EncodedData is type "str". Should it be
CArray[uint8] instead?

Best regards,
David Santiago

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