On 2020-05-17 03:36, Peter Pentchev wrote:
On Sun, May 17, 2020 at 03:01:34AM -0700, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
On 2020-05-17 02:30, Peter Pentchev wrote:
You said that you would tack Bool at the end in "if" statements, too.

Hi Peter,

No wonder.  I do not remember saying that, but I could
have.  My `if` statements look like:

    if not  "%Options<Path>".IO.d.Bool  {
       say "Creating %Options<Path>";
       mkdir( %Options<Path>", 0o777 );

I definitely do not tack .Bool onto the end
of my `if` statements.

Uh. That's exactly what you're doing. You do *not* need the .Bool
there at the end. The "not" makes Raku convert whatever is there
to a boolean, so the .Bool is implicit. And if you were to check
the other way, if you had "if $foo.IO.d { ... }", then the "if"
makes Raku convert whatever is there to a boolean, so the .Bool is
implicit. You do not need to put the .Bool in an "if" or a "while"


Hi Peter,

Brad asked me the same thing on another thread.  This is what I
told him:

Hi Brad,

I do this because it keeps me out of trouble.

I want back a yes or no answer, not True or Fail

And I never remember which IO.<some_letter> will return
a True or Fail or which functions (`if` does) will
convert X::IO::DoesNotExist to a False for me.

Plus it makes it more readable for me.
tells me instantly I will be getting back a yes
or no answer.

So if you want to be a purist, you can experiment with
which IO.<some_letter> are going to give you a yes
or no answer or which functions will convert X::IO::DoesNotExist for you. OR you can just tack .Bool
at the end and forgo the hair pulling.

Also the cryptograms in the documentation are not
correct.  For instance:


    method d(--> Bool:D)

Says it return a "Bool" not a "True" or "X::IO::DoesNotExist".
The modification to Bool is stated at the bottom of the page.

So, basically, it is to keeps me out of trouble.  And if
I am going to get `X::IO::DoesNotExist` back instead of
a Boolean, .Bool automatically converts it for me and
with no hair pulling.

So, basically, my LONG WINDED answer is that I do it for me.


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