On Tue, Jun 02, 2020 at 11:41:31AM -0400, Parrot Raiser wrote:
> I suspect that "methods" were originally distinguished from
> "subroutines" because it made the rain-dance about the new cure for
> all civilisation's ills and the heartbreak of psoriasis,
> Object-Oriented Programming,  look more impressive. After one has seen
> a few programming religions launched, the similarities blur the
> differences.  Profundity through obscurity always helps the marketing,
> because it slows the recognition.

That... is only if you look at methods purely from an imperative and
procedural programming perspective :) Once you start thinking about
message passing or events, things get a little weirder :)

> Subroutines are blocks of code that can be used anywhere within a
> scope that may be global or local. Methods are a subset of subroutines
> that can only be used within a particular scope on particular kinds of
> things.

...or so it is in procedural languages, which have their orientation
towards procedures (another name for subroutines) encoded right there in
the designation :)

But that's a wholly different topic, we've abused this thread's subject
too much already, so I'll stop now :)


Peter Pentchev  r...@ringlet.net r...@debian.org p...@storpool.com
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