Hi gurus,

after looking at the documentation on Sub, Signature and the raku type system I find myself unable to constrain the types of functions in the way I think I need.

The situation: I have a function, let's call in 'walker', whose first parameter is a callback. I wish to express that only callbacks with a certain Signature and return type are acceptable. Let's say the callback should follow :(Numeric $n --> Numeric). My callback is going to be more complicated, but for simplicity sake.

I was hoping to be able to use a named type of function with this signature.
I know I can say

my $sig =  :(Numeric $n --> Numeric);

but my attempts to use $sig fail. I found no example of an application beyond smartmatching.

What I tried so far:
sub walker(&num2num:$sig, ...) { ... }

is syntactically incorrect and yields:
  Can only use the : invocant marker in the signature for a method
and only takes a single step in the direction of a more abstract solution.

I know I can say
sub walker(&num2num:(Numeric $n --> Numeric), ...) { ... }

but I was hoping for an explicit type, maybe using class, or subset or roles.
I hope to say soemething like

sub walker(Walkable &callback, ...)

What am I missing here?


Theo van den Heuvel
Van den Heuvel HLT Consultancy

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