And here it comes again, the common mess about Raku and Rakudo. :)

The point is that Rakudo doesn't come bundled with documentation about Raku 
because the former just implements the latter. It's not like it is with perl 
where `perl` binary and `Perl` are the same and `perl -v` is your current 
version of Perl. From this point of view, one would have to know the difference 
between 6.d and 6.l version of Raku because these differences might be 
overwhelming. Even now it'd be good to know about the differences in role 
behavior between 6.c/6.d and 6.e.

Contrary, one is better not care about the differences between Rakudo 2019.10 
and 2020.12 for as long as they both implement same Raku versions. Apparently, 
I'm not talking about bug compatibility here. So, for as long as one's code 
always starts with `use v6.d` they really may not be worried about any upcoming 
Raku language version up until their compiler starts deprecation cycle for 6.d.

The task of the online documentation is to allow one to find out what version 
of Raku introduced a requested feature. We'll most certainly need a section 
related to versioning and have it pinned at some easy to spot location. And it 
will be there when our resources allow which must be read as: when somebody 
find time to do it. Any help is welcome! :)

Best regards,
Vadim Belman

> On Jan 5, 2021, at 9:48 AM, Gianni Ceccarelli <> wrote:
> On 2021-01-05 Brad Gilbert <> wrote:
>> There really shouldn't be that much difference between what the
>> documentation says and how your version works.
> I've worked on machines stuck with perl 5.8 when the online
> documentation was for 5.26
> I'd like to live in a world where:
> * raku is popular and widespread enough that you find old versions it
>  on old machines
> * I won't have to struggle to remember the differences between 6.d and
>  6.l
> For now, yes, the online docs are "good enough" (when I have network
> connectivity, at least!)
>> Even if rakudoc did install, it would just copy the most recent docs
>> as of the time you installed it.
> rakudoc != p6doc
> rakudoc looks at the POD6 in installed distributions / modules
> -- 
>       Dakkar - <Mobilis in mobile>
>       GPG public key fingerprint = A071 E618 DD2C 5901 9574
>                                    6FE2 40EA 9883 7519 3F88
>                           key id = 0x75193F88

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