> On 16 Mar 2021, at 04:22, Matthew Stuckwisch <ma...@softastur.org> wrote:
> So here's my 2¢, which will probably be followed up with some actual 
> development of stuff (I do put my money where my mouth is… although it might 
> take me a while to save up to spend it ha).  Some of the minor details could, 
> of course, easily be adjusted, so don't fixate too much on them.
> Right now, it is true that many of us use README.md for github.  Some people 
> write this one by hand (I'm guilty of it), others (lizmat, for instance) 
> generate this from their *.rakumod file.

A little clarification about that: I don't do anything special for that.  
Generating the README.md is a standard feature when using App::Mi6.  So my 
workflow is basically:

- build module
- write tests
- run "mi6 release"

Well, perhaps some intermediate checks to see if everything worked, such as 
"mi6 build", which will actually build the README.md, and "mi6 test" to run the 


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