Hi All,

I need a second pair of eyes to look at my
code and tell me where I messed up.


raku PopUpTest.pl6
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling K:\Windows\NtUtil/PopUpTest.pl6
Unable to parse expression in argument list;
couldn't find final ')' (corresponding starter
was at line 167) at K:\Windows\NtUtil/PopUpTest.pl6:168

------>    DWORD<HERE> $dwProcessId,
    expecting any of:
        infix stopper

167: ProcessIdToSessionId(
168:   DWORD $dwProcessId,
169:   DWORD $pSessionId is rw
170: )
171:   is native("processthreadsapi")
172:   is symbol("ProcessIdToSessionId")
173:   returns Bool
174:   { * };

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