On 11/27/22 19:13, Clifton Wood wrote:
ToddAndMargo: Why are you referencing NativeHelpers::Blob when I've linked to the code you need. The bug was in the code snippet I've sent. NONE of my stuff is available via zef because CURI (and hence zef) have problems with large scale code that I am still trying to resolve.

You should be able to get a clean copy of the role from here <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Xliff/p6-GLib/master/lib/GLib/Roles/TypedBuffer.pm6>. You should be able to download it, copy it to your project directory and execute it.

No zef necessary.

Hi Clifton,

I have been looking over the code.  I am not sure what
I am looking at.

Would you give me a brief summary of what it is
suppose to do?

Many thanks,

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