Depending on how many would leave the original product, the pace of development of both could be slowed down by a factor of 2 or even more.

That's technically correct (which, after all, is the best kind of correct, ).

But while the pace of development *could* be slowed down by a lot, it could also be almost entirely unchanged – and, ime, the modal fork gets little traction and basically doesn't impact the original project (obviously with large exceptions at the tail).  And that's what I expect with Rust/Crabby (was that the name of the fork? I just watched the video and have already forgotten…)

I have more thoughts re: Rust's issues, but I'll save those for sometime when I'm not about to board an airplane.

Jun 9, 2023 4:06:22 PM Vadim Belman <>:

There is a fork, already. At least, this is what he says in the video.

There is a catch though, and it is mentioned in the video too. A few catches, actually. 

First, such conflict-based forks cause harm to project reputation. 

Second, it confuses potential supporters and this could reduce project funding. 

Third, developers would get separated between projects. Depending on how many would leave the original product, the pace of development of both could be slowed down by a factor of 2 or even more.

Best regards,
Vadim Belman

On Jun 9, 2023, at 2:40 AM, İsmail Arılık <> wrote:

This is the open source world! So if there is a problem between the management of Rust and the community, a fork would come and be popular soon. Leaving Rust shouldn't be an option I think since it is really a good language. 

On Fri, Jun 9, 2023, 07:04 Darren Duncan <> wrote:
And here Rust seemed to be massively gaining in popularity, and was just supported officially for Linux kernel driver support etc. -- Darren Duncan

On 2023-06-08 11:17 a.m., Parrot Raiser wrote:
See <>

This is not meant to be an example of schadenfreude.  Rust is an interesting language, whose ecological niche has little in common with Perl's or Raku's. Its principal rival is Go, which is definitely more corporate.   Alphabet already controls far too much.  (Yes, that sentiment may not be compatible with a gmail
It is unfortunate when any worthwhile Open Source project suffers from community or personality conflicts. It's worth noting them, to help us avoid similar

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