Bandingkan dengan para pemimpin kita, bung indi, apa ada yang mau
" ikut menderita " hidup melarat dengan para rakyat jelata di pinggiran
rel kereta api atau dibawah kolong jembatan ?
mungkin ada baiknya kita-kita semua bisa tour ke tempat2 seperti ini,
lihat bagaimana kehidupan di samping kali ciliwung dll.

semua pemimpin kalau bukan dari golongan elite, pasti punya istilahnya
simpanan dana atau mempunyai gelar dari perguruan tinggi di luar negeri.
(ngga ada salahnya sih lulusan LN)

Bandingkan saja...apa pernah ada?  ya selain mitos yang sering
digembus-gembusi Pak Harto yang katanya anak petani dan yatim tetapi
setelah berkuasa dan menjadi pimpinan, malah lupa akan asal usulnya.

bagaimana Memphis? spring break ke NOLA?


On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Indi Soemardjan wrote:

> Did you know that Mahatma Gandhi walked barefoot everywhere?
> So much in fact that it reached the point that his feet became quite
> thick and hard.
> He also led passive demonstrations to provoke change when the
> government was insensitive to the needs and rights of people.
> He often refused to eat. Even when he was not on a hunger strike,
> he did not eat much and became quite thin and frail. Often not noted in
> contemporary
> histories was the fact that due to his diet, he ended up with
> very bad, extremely bad breath.
> Taking all these things together, he became widely known in
> India as the 'Super calloused fragile mystic plagued with
> halitosis."
> --
> Indi Soemardjan
> Be my guest:

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