Oh, you are just so "narrow minded".
why do you do that to yourself?
can I help?
have your read about NII yet?

may the force be with you,


Mohammad Rosadi wrote:

> Alooo Indi...:)
> Wah...rupanya lo "sibuk" banget ya....kerja berat..banting tulang...,
> cuma untuk menyamakan Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan manusia biasa seperti
> diri lo, yang bisa dilukis sembarangan(hebat juga lo ya....),mempro-
> mosikan NII dari negeri 1001 malam,terus ntar apa lagi Indi....,Sholat
> taraweh di jalan TOL ya...:)
> OK deh Indi...met "kerja keras"..., semoga kerja keras lo mendapat
> balasan yang "setimpal" dari Allah SWT..(AMIEN..!!!!).
> Salam
> Mohamad Rosadi
> >From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Dec 30 05:43:22 1998
> >Received: from [] by hotmail.com (1.0) with SMTP id
> MHotMail30924779073424935065325022162562068316032; Wed Dec 30 05:43:22
> 1998
> >Received: from mailer ( by mailer.syr.edu (LSMTP for
> Windows NT v1.1a) with SMTP id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Wed, 30
> Dec
> 1998 0:35:13 -0500
> >Date:         Tue, 29 Dec 1998 22:17:08 -0600
> >Reply-To:     Indonesian Students in the US
> >Sender:       Indonesian Students in the US
> >From:         Indi Soemardjan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Organization: Home on Healey
> >Subject:      wow...is this what NII is?
> >X-To:         NYC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >Look at my finding...
> >
> >Is this really what Negara Islam Indonesia is all about?
> >
> >better find out: www.gatra.com/III/51/nas9-51.html
> >
> >Creepy, isn't it?...
> >
> >
> >Indi
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