At 4:49 PM 1/16/2000, andy syahputra wrote:

|buat teman-teman semuanya,
|ada yang tahu nggak gimana caranya untuk unscribe dari mailing
|list ini....bantuannya sangat berharga buat saya....
|terima kasih


Send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Body of message: UNSUBscribe PERMIAS
        (SIGNOFF PERMIAS also works the same)

For future reference, you may want to print these commonly used commands:

INFO      <topic|listname>       Order documentation (plain text files)
SUBscribe listname <full name>   Subscribe to a list
SIGNOFF   listname               Sign off from a list
SIGNOFF   *                      (NETWIDE - from all lists on all servers
Query     listname               Query your subscription options
Search    listname  keyword...   Search list archives
SET       listname  options      Update your subscription options
INDex     <listname>             Order a list of LISTSERV files
GET       filename filetype      Order a file from LISTSERV

Hope this also helps those fed up by the nonsense in this list ...


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