On 19-May-04, at 1:55 AM, C Bobroff wrote:

Actually, all this off-topic mix of calendars and philosophy
has reminded me that when I was writing something (in English) a few
months ago on Al-Biruni, whenever his name came up at the end of the line
in Word, it would wrap and so the "Al-" would be on one line and the
"Biruni" would go down to the next. This seemed not very respectful to
break up a great man's name like that! Is there any way to type a hyphen
that will resist break-up during wrapping?


The Unicode character is U-2011, Non-Breaking Hyphen. If you don't have it on your keyboard, you may be able to use this information to type it with other tools or utilities.
Or you can drop the "Al-" altogether. If I remember correctly, his street name in Iran was "Biruni" short and simple!


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