On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 11:19, Hooman Mehr wrote:
> P.S. 2: Roozbeh, and other old-timers: How about starting to write down 
> your own memories concerning history of Persian Computing as well?

Come on guy, I'm not an old-timer. I started my career in Persian
Computing about when you were leaving it!

But anyway, it all started on a cold winter night, when I was trying to
typeset the problems of the mathematics olympiad camp (because of my
awful handwriting style) but I could find no cheap Persian typesetting
software affordable by a high school student that can typeset 2^{2^{n}}
in running text... Of course before that, I had my own adventures with
computers, including a two year experience of BASIC programming on
pieces of paper without ever touching a keyboard...

Houman, everybody here has a story like that. It's you who has been in
the field much more than the others, and that's the reason we appreciate
your story.


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