Would you please be kind and advise me about farsi character set for web design. I am designing a web site. I have difficulties with farsi font. I need to set the character set in my html code in order to make sure that all people can access my site without problems. What should I do? I have installed farsi fonts on my computers and I thought that would be enough for designing the web site, but I realised that the problem is much bigger that that. I am using Front Page for my web design and I need an "easy to understand way" to set the character set to a sort of "standard", who can be accessed from any computer. Some body told me that I need an ISO character set (charset=iso- ). Please advise me!
Thanks a lot for your kindness.

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Parvin Zamany
Konsulent (Civilingeniør & Merkonom)
Ingeniørernes Arbejdsløshedskasse
Vesterbrogade 149, bygn. 12, 4. sal
1620 København V


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