Dear Julia,
It seems that your problems are all about left-to-right and right-to-left order 
of texts.

I think that you can solve it easily by turning on the RTL feature of Windows 
and Office.  I don't remember exactly what you must change.  (I don't have 
Windows and Office now.)  You may find it under the "Middle East" or "Arabic" 
terms.  After enabling these features, its necessary to "use" them.  For 
instace, in Word you must change you paragraphs to right-to-left paragraphs.



On 2005/01/01 21:50 Julia von Rennenkampff wrote:
> dear list members
> i've installed persian in w2k (regional settings...) and through microsoft
> office tools, and writing basically works, but it has some bugs, e.g.: a)
> i
> write a word, and at the end of it (on the left) a period -> the period
> shows at the beginning (on the right) of the word.  b) i write one word,
> then a left-facing parenthesis, then another word, then a right-facing
> parenthesis - what comes out, though, is one right-facing parenthesis at
> the beginning of the FIRST word, and the other at the beginning of the
> second word. you can observe this in word pad and in excel 2000, in word
> 2000 the problems are slightly different. c) if i have 2 words separated
> by
> a comma in excel, and copy/paste this into word, i get the second word
> first, then the first word, and then the comma, which obviously is not
> what
> i want!! etc. etc.
> does anyone know how to solve this problem? any help is greatly
> appreciated!!!! (i've done all updates on w2k and on office)
> thanks in advance, julia
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