   I think your problem with KDE could be solved easily by disabling all of the Keyboard Layout settings in its control center, so it would not override X settings.

Have Fun,

Medi Montaseri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote on ۰۵/۱۲/۰۴ 12:08:35:

Thanks Hedayat...
I'll try these and get back with you.....
Yes, I also go after the xorg.conf...

In FC4, KDE although I had made the changes
in my xorg.conf, it would require two actions to
get the Farsi keyboard layout, one is to click on
the tray icon (informing kde window manager)
and then the alt-shift.



On 12/3/05, Hedayat Vatankhah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Medi Montaseri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on ۰۵/۱۲/۰۳ 05:48:49:
Ok...so I downloaded
and my unzip(1) program said
You may need to download the file again. (I've downloaded it last year and it works)

....funny thing....the faulty operations I described can be fixed by pressing
shift-d , that is regular 'd' generates the bad "ye" and 'shift-d' generates the
correct version...
This is the Arabic "ye" which you see using shift-d. I don't know about the Roya font you have, but I have one without any problem with Persain "ye".
Anyway, your problem may be fixed by removing that unusable ugly fonts in /usr/share/fonts/bitmap-fonts: 9x15.pcf, 9x15b.pcf and another one which I think it's name was 10x*.pcf (I don't remember the * part, but it looks like that there is only one font starting with 10x). (Removing these files is the first thing I do after installing a Fedora version on a system).
Finally, if you want more fonts than farsiweb fonts; I recommend using free B* fonts such as B Roya.

I have done this before on FC2 and FC4 in KDE....this is my new FC4 box
which I had to switch to gnome because the alt-shift keyboard switching was'nt
working on KDE...anyway, I should'nt polute the problem...
I don't know about your problem, but I always prefer to change X configuration file for Persian typing support. With this, you don't need to set it up for each user and for each desktop system. It works everywhere! It is very easy too: open the X config file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf in Fedora) as root and find this line:
        Option      "XkbLayout" "us"

Then, replace this line with these lines:
        Option      "XkbLayout" "us,ir"
        Option      "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp:win_switch,grp_led:scroll"

Save this file and restart the X window system. After this, you should be able to switch between Persian and English with Alt+Shift, or switching temporary  by holding Win key (only left one in FC4); and the scroll lock LED will be on when you can type in Persian.

Good Luck,

Thanks guys...

On 12/2/05, Behdad Esfahbod <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Medi Montaseri wrote:

> Hi
> I am having some problems with my Farsi fonts on my browser and in gedit
> on a Linux box (Fedor Core 4, Gnome )
> My problem is
> Letter "Ye" is always rendered as though it was an independent or
> detatched letter. For example, in the word "MILI" (as in mili-second) all
> the
> "Ye" letters are rendered as it would with "MEHDI" where "ye" is not
> connected to "de".

Basically, you don't have good fonts, and that's the default on
FC4 unfortunately :(.  You need to install the FarsiWeb fonts
package (available from http://farsiweb.info/) to start with.
There is a fontconfig configuration file like this one:


This will be included in fontconfig-2.4 release coming soon.

> Some help is appreciated.
> Thanks
> Medi


"Commandment Three says Do Not Kill, Amendment Two says Blood Will Spill"
        -- Dan Bern, "New American Language"

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