> Good morning Mr. Rafael Paulino,
> Even if the company's comercial info is not the main purpose of this forum,
> I believe it palys an important rule in the discussion, namely when it comes
> to practical concerns. This is the reason why I would like to provide
> information about EXPM anoxia systems, wich include user frendly chambers
> and plastic film bubbles, to create oxigen free atmospheres without any
> interference in the colections nor in the human health and that are very
> effective when it comes to erradicate insect pests. It is used both for
> large scale and located pest problems. You may find further details at
> www.expm.com.pt . Kind regards,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: rafael paulino <rafamengch...@gmail.com>
Date: 2009/12/14
Subject: massive desinfectation
To: pestl...@museumpest.net

Good morning
I would like if somebody says to me where I can acquire the Veloxy system,
and if this system is useful for aims of massive desinfectation for

Thank you very much

Rafael Paulino
Archivo General de la Nacion
Republica Dominicana
Rui Marto Fonseca
Gestor Produto / Product Manager
Tlm: 00351 917885010

EXPM, Desinfestacao e Higienizacao, Lda

Equipamentos e Servicos para Preservacao e Conservacao de Acervos /
Equipment & Services for the Preservation and Maintenance of Collections

ESCRITORIO / OFFICE: R. Prof. Dias Valente, n.32 - Edificio Copacabana, 4B -
2765-578 Estoril
Tel: 00351 214661910 / Fax: 00351 214661523
Email: rfons...@expm.com.pt

ARMAZEM / STOREHOUSE: R. Fonte da Carreira, 350 - Armazem 10 A - Mata Sete -
Manique de Baixo - 2645-467 Alcabideche
Tel: 00351 210936238

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