Some soft tissue fungi can be killed at very low ppm levels for a few day  
with anoxic argon treatments. Fungi spore with change, high humidity, low  
humidity etc and with differences in argon verses nitrogen. Its a  protective 
mechanism to sustain. Early research has been done to realize  the 
difference just no follow up research that I am aware of. Earlier research  
indicated a higher spore count with nitrogen than argon treatments after  
to air. Hopefully, a mycologist is working on this somewhere.
In a message dated 10/13/2010 11:23:19 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Dear pestlist friends,
>From our experience, when it comes to funghi anoxia doesn't interfere  with 
them (at least at a point that could be considered a treatment). For this  
kind of problems mixing insects and funghi, we use anoxia and for selected  
critical items with fungus we find freezing and unfreezing cicles very  
effective in funghi killing (both outside and inside the books).

Rui Marto Fonseca
Gestor Produto / Product Manager
Tlm:  00351 917885010

EXPM, Desinfestacao e Higienizacao,  Lda

Equipamentos e Servicos para Preservacao e Conservacao de Acervos /  
Equipment & Services for the Preservation and Maintenance of  Collections

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