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I would also appreciate an ID on this particular moth. I’ve been finding them off and on for several months. Heidi Mead Fossil Preparation Natural History Museum Biological and Environmental Sciences GEORGIA COLLEGE 102 Herty Hall, Campus Box 081 Milledgeville, GA 31061<> [emaillogo] From: [] On Behalf Of Jennifer Pietarila Sent: Monday, December 11, 2017 4:47 PM To: Subject: Re: [pestlist] Moth ID Help This is a message from the List. To post to this list send it as an email to<> To unsubscribe look at the footer of this email. ----------------------------------------------------------- I would like to know as well. I been seeing the same moth in the HVAC filters and occasionally flying around the office area. I have yet to find them in any pheromone traps. I posted photos about a month ago asking if anyone could ID the moths but didn't get a definitive answer if they were related to webbing clothes or casemaking clothes moths. - Jennifer On Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 1:35 PM Megan Mizuta <<>> wrote: This is a message from the List. To post to this list send it as an email to<> To unsubscribe look at the footer of this email. ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear PestList, Can anyone identify these two sets of moths? We’ve been finding them in mechanical rooms and near exterior doors. The smaller moth (photo “Moth3”) has been showing up on pheromone traps with webbing clothes moth and casemaking clothes moth lures. Only adults have been found. Thanks in advance, Megan Megan Mizuta Associate Registrar, Loans and Exhibitions<> (801) 587-5774<tel:(801)%20587-5774> Natural History Museum of Utah (UMNH)<> ------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this list send an email to<> and in the body put: "unsubscribe pestlist" Any problems email<> ------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this list send an email to<> and in the body put: "unsubscribe pestlist" Any problems email<> ------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe from this list send an email to and in the body put: "unsubscribe pestlist" OR just send an email to and ask to be removed. Any problems email