On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 21:55, Dave Nystrom <Dave.Nystrom at 

> When I run my code using our native, home grown cg solver with a
> cholesky preconditioner, top reports for my current problem size memory
> usage
> of 567 MB.  My current problem size is using a 2d grid that is 200x602 -
> not
> really all that big.  And yet when I am running petsc solvers, top is
> reporting 24 to 26 GB whether or not I am using cuda.

No, something is very wrong. It sounds like either you have a memory leak
or you do a non-scalable gather. You can run with -malloc_log to see all
the memory that PETSc has allocated. Or use a heap profiler.

Some day we will write a better tool that tracks stack traces for large
allocations only.
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