On Dec 14, 2011, at 9:22 PM, Jed Brown wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 17:55, Barry Smith <bsmith at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>  What Matt is trying to tell you is that changing values at this level to 
> prevent function evaluations outside of the function domain inside Newton is 
> a total hack that rarely works well and should be avoided. You really don't 
> want to do this.
> It sounds like for the problems Bobby is asking about, the continuum 
> solutions never produce values at a "constraint". In gas dynamics, the 
> continuum equations are PDEs, not variational inequalities, but the pressure 
> and temperature are still never negative. If a bound was available, MatMFFD 
> could potentially choose the sign of the differencing to stay within the 
> feasible domain. This does seem quite limited, however, because the positive 
> and negative versions could cause violations in different parts of the domain.

   If you are truly near 0 in temperature or pressure and differencing can push 
you over the limit then I submit it is perfectly reasonable to solve them as VI.

   Though actually our VI solvers are currently not really matrix-free so this 
is a bit academic.


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