Barry Smith writes:
 > On Dec 16, 2011, at 10:26 PM, Dave Nystrom wrote:
 > > Barry Smith writes:
 > >> Dave,
 > >> 
 > >> Band solvers (like in LAPACK) handle all the matrix entries from the band
 > >> to the diagonal as nonzero (even though in your case the vast majority of
 > >> those values are zero).  General purpose sparse solvers like PETSc, MUMPS,
 > >> SuperLU etc explicitly handle only the nonzero values and fill induced by
 > >> those nonzero values. By first reordering the matrix sparse direct solvers
 > >> end up having much much less fill than a bandsolver and hence are much
 > >> faster. Band solvers only make sense when the matrix is dense within the
 > >> band and not mostly empty like with PDE problems.
 > > 
 > > Hi Barry,
 > > 
 > > Thanks for this detailed and useful explanation.  That helps a lot.  I'll
 > > cross band solvers off my list of things to investigate.  Should I expect
 > > much improvement using MUMPS or SuperLU via PETSc?
 > Not sequentially. But they run in parallel so can do much larger problems.

Thanks.  Are there any near term plans to integrate superlu_mt into petsc?

 > Barry
 > > I'm looking forward to giving them a try.  I'm also looking forward to
 > > seeing what I can do with a separate preconditioner matrix.
 > > 
 > > Thanks again for your reply.
 > > 
 > > Cheers,
 > > 
 > > Dave
 > > 
 > >> Barry
 > >> 
 > >> On Dec 16, 2011, at 6:12 PM, Dave Nystrom wrote:. . 
 > >> 
 > >>> Matthew Knepley writes:
 > >>>> On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 9:37 AM, Dave Nystrom <dnystrom1 at 
 > >>>>> wrote:
 > >>>> 
 > >>>>> I'm trying to figure out whether I can do a couple of things with 
 > >>>>> petsc.
 > >>>>> 
 > >>>>> 1.  It looks like the preconditioning matrix can actually be different 
 > >>>>> from
 > >>>>> the full problem matrix.  So I'm wondering if I could provide a 
 > >>>>> different
 > >>>>> preconditioning matrix for my problem and then do an LU solve of the
 > >>>>> preconditioning matrix using the -pc_type lu as my preconditioner.
 > >>>> 
 > >>>> Yes, that is what it is for.
 > >>> 
 > >>> Thanks.  I think I will try that and see what sort of results I get.  
 > >>> This
 > >>> sounds like a very encouraging discovery to me.
 > >>> 
 > >>>>> 2.  When I build petsc, I use the --download-f-blas-lapack=yes option. 
 > >>>>>  I'm
 > >>>>> wondering if petsc uses lapack under the hood or has the capability to 
 > >>>>> use
 > >>>>> lapack under the hood when one uses the -pc_type lu option.  In 
 > >>>>> particular,
 > >>>>> since my matrices are band matrices from doing a discretization on a 2d
 > >>>>> regular mesh, I'm wondering if the petsc lu solve has the ability to 
 > >>>>> use
 > >>>>> the lapack band solver dgbsv or dgbsvx.  Or is it possible to use the
 > >>>>> lapack band solver through one of the external packages that petsc can
 > >>>>> interface with.  I'm interested in this capability for smaller problem
 > >>>>> sizes that fit on a single node and that make sense.
 > >>>> 
 > >>>> We do not have any banded matrix stuff. Its either dense or sparse right
 > >>>> now.
 > >>> 
 > >>> OK.  I had always been used to thinking of a banded system as sparse,
 > >>> relatively speaking, when compared to a full system.  Based also on 
 > >>> Barry's
 > >>> response, I guess I am not well enough educated on the nuances of sparse
 > >>> versus banded.  For instance, when I use "-ksp_type preonly -pc_type lu" 
 > >>> to
 > >>> solve one of my systems, I had assumed that the LU factorization 
 > >>> computed by
 > >>> petsc was really filling in the 2*nx+1 bandwidth even though petsc might 
 > >>> not
 > >>> be explicitly using the banded nature of the matrix.  So I am not sure 
 > >>> at all
 > >>> what is going on under the hood in petsc for this set of solver options. 
 > >>>  Nor
 > >>> do I really know how to find out without reading the source code which 
 > >>> might
 > >>> be fairly daunting.
 > >>> 
 > >>>>> 3.  I'm also wondering how I might be able to learn more about the 
 > >>>>> petsc
 > >>>>> ilu capability.  My impression is that it does ilu(k) and I have tried
 > >>>>> it with k>0 but am wondering if one of the options might allow it to do
 > >>>>> ilut and whether as k gets big whether ilu(k) approximates lu.  I
 > >>>>> currently do not understand the petsc ilu well enough to know how much
 > >>>>> extra fill I get as I increase k and where that extra fill might be
 > >>>>> located for the case of a band matrix that one gets from discretization
 > >>>>> on a regular 2d mesh.
 > >>>> 
 > >>>> We do not do ilu(dt). Its complicated, and we determined that it was not
 > >>>> worth the effort. You can get that from Hypre is you want. Certainly, 
 > >>>> for
 > >>>> big enough k, ilu(k) is lu but its a slow way to do it.
 > >>> 
 > >>> Thanks.  I need to experiment more with ilu(k) on a couple of my linear
 > >>> systems.
 > >>> 
 > >>>> Matt
 > >>>> 
 > >>>> 
 > >>>>> Thanks,
 > >>>>> 
 > >>>>> Dave
 > >> 

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