
merged to next. Can you try and see if it is ok for you?


> On Jan 12, 2017, at 11:36 PM, Delyan Kalchev < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to suggest a small modification in  petsc / src / ksp / pc / 
> impls / hypre / hypre.c
> Namely, the lines
> static const char *HYPREBoomerAMGInterpType[]  = {"classical", "", "", 
> "direct", "multipass", "multipass-wts", "ext+i",
>  <>                                                  "ext+i-cc", "standard", 
> "standard-wts", "", "", "FF", "FF1"};
> to be modified to (something like)
> static const char *HYPREBoomerAMGInterpType[]  = {"classical", "", "", 
> "direct", "multipass", "multipass-wts", "ext+i",
>  <>                                                  "ext+i-cc", "standard", 
> "standard-wts", "block", "block-wtd", "FF", "FF1"};
> This gives access to block interpolation available in HYPRE. It is beneficial 
> with nodal AMG for systems.
> Without this option it seems that only the "coarse mesh" can be constructed 
> in a nodal fashion but not the interpolation.
> A full nodal would need an interpolation between the nodes (which appear as 
> blocks in the matrix)
> Thank you!
> Regards,
> Delyan

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