On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 8:57 AM, Franck Houssen <franck.hous...@inria.fr>

> Hello,
> Does PETSc provide support for CMake ? I would say this is an on-going
> feature that is not yet fully working, right ?
> My understanding is that "./configure" generates the CMakeLists.txt. But
> then, when using cmake, make fails.
> Is this supposed to work yet ? Or is this on-going dev ? (google is
> misleading about that, and, not seen anything in the doc)

We supported this a few years ago, but the obscene brokeness of CMake makes
this impossible, so it is no longer supported.



> Franck
> PS : I got it to work (partially - for petsc, not external packages) on my
> laptop (debian). I may (?) push I somebody is interested to have a look (on
> going dev ?).

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