Karl, are you thinking of a matrix subclass that has everything that an AIJ matrix does, but also keeps a SELL copy around for operations like MatMult()? Would it make sense to just keep another Mat inside (like how MPIAIJ keeps multiple Mat instances) that *is* of type MATSELL, that gets built/updated as needed? Would this involve carrying too much baggage around, associated with a complete Mat instance?

What I have in mind is to put the SELL datastructures into a A->spptr, very much like you did for AIJMKL.

I like the idea of having a MATSELL type available that is lean (insofar as not having storing an AIJ matrix) for those cases when a user really knows that the AIJ stuff will not be needed. But maybe it makes sense to be able to use that inside another matrix class. Perhaps we could have something, called, say, MATAIJMUTABLE that uses AIJ but might also create copies in SELL (or other formats, potentially) when appropriate -- perhaps based on a some performance model indicating which format is fastest for MatMult() or whatever.

The actual overhead of also storing a SELL datastructure in terms of memory footprint is at most 2x. When you keep in mind that extra memory during the matrix assembly is also needed in the stash, then the impact on overall memory consumption is about 50 percent extra. Given that SELL is a performance optimization for SpMV (and hence the SELL datastructure is only populated if you call MatMult on the particular matrix), I'm not too worried about the increased memory footprint at this time.

Having a class that's an AIJ but can also use SELL is more convenient than adding a fallback to AIJ format inside MATSELL. I wonder if the latter option might be preferable in some circumstances, however, because it can avoid the extra memory footprint of also keeping the matrix in AIJ -- maybe AIJ operations are rarely needed and the AIJ conversion can just happen on a lazy basis.

I advocate an 'optimize as needed' approach here. Let's first make SELL compatible with the full range of AIJ operations and preconditioners.

Best regards,


On 3/4/18 2:58 AM, Karl Rupp wrote:
Hi all,

I'm getting increasingly concerned about SELL not being a subclass of AIJ. As such, we have to deal with all these fallback operations now, whereas as a subclass of AIJ we could just selectively make use of the SELL format where we really benefit from it. "Use AIJ by default unless we have something optimized for SELL" is just much more appropriate for the few use cases of SELL than the current "SELL has to implement everything and usually this means to manually convert back to AIJ".

If there are no objections I'd like to clean this up. (Subclassing AIJ was unfortunately not available at the time Hong started his great work on SELL)

Best regards,

On 03/03/2018 07:52 AM, Richard Tran Mills wrote:
Resurrecting a few weeks old thread:

Stefano, did you get around to coding something up to do an automatic conversion to SeqAIJ for operations unsupported by SELL format? I did some hacking the other day to try to get PCGAMG to use SELL inside the smoothers and this turns out to be way more complicated than I'd like and very bug prone (I haven't found all of mine, anyway). I think it may be preferable to be able to pass a SELL matrix to PCGAMG and have an internal conversion happen in the SELL matrix to AIJ format for doing the MatPtAP and LU solves. Support for this would certainly make it easier for users in a lot other cases as well, and might make the use of SELL much more likely. If no one has already done some work on this, I'll take a stab at it.


On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 10:04 AM, Richard Tran Mills <rtmi...@anl.gov <mailto:rtmi...@anl.gov>> wrote:

    On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 8:47 AM, Smith, Barry F. <bsm...@mcs.anl.gov
    <mailto:bsm...@mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:

        > On Feb 12, 2018, at 10:25 AM, Stefano Zampini <stefano.zamp...@gmail.com <mailto:stefano.zamp...@gmail.com>> wrote:
        > Barry,
        > for sure Amat,Pmat is the right approach; however, with complicated user codes, we are not always in control of having a different Jacobian matrix.         > Since Mat*SELL does not currently support any preconditioning except PCSOR and PCJACOBI, we ask the user to put codes like
        > if (type is SELL)
        >  create two matrices (and maybe modify the code in many other parts)
        > else
        >   ok with the previous code

            I don't disagree with what you are saying and am not opposed
        to the proposed work.

            Perhaps we need to do a better job with making the mat,pmat
        approach simpler or better documented so more people use it
        naturally in their applications.

    I wrote some code like that in some of the Jacobian/function
    routines in PFLOTRAN to experiment with MATSELL, and it works, but
    looks and feels pretty hacky. And if I wanted to support it for all
    of the different systems that PFLOTRAN can model, then I'd have to
    reproduce that it in many different Jacobian and function evaluation
    routines. I also don't like that it makes it awkward to play with
    the many combinations of matrix types and preconditioners that PETSc
    allows: The above pseudocode should really say "if (type is SELL)
    and (preconditioner is not PCSOR or PCJACOBI)". I do think that
    Amat,Pmat is a good approach in many situations, but it's easy to
    construct scenarios in which it falls short.

    In some situations, what I'd like to have happen is what Stefano is
    talking about, with an automatic conversion to AIJ happening if SELL
    doesn't support an operation. But, ideally, I think this sort of
    implicit format conversion shouldn't be something hard-coded into
    the workings of SELL. Instead, there should be some general
    mechanism by which PETSc recognizes that a particular operation is
    unsupported for a given matrix format, and then it can (optionally)
    copy/convert to a different matrix type (probably default to AIJ,
    but it shouldn't have to be AIJ) that supports the operation. This
    sort of implicit data rearrangement game may actually become more
    important if future computer architectures strongly prefer different
    data layouts different types of operations (though let's not get
    ahead of ourselves).



         > Just my two cents.
         > 2018-02-12 19:10 GMT+03:00 Smith, Barry F.
        <bsm...@mcs.anl.gov <mailto:bsm...@mcs.anl.gov>>:
         > > On Feb 12, 2018, at 9:59 AM, Stefano Zampini
        <stefano.zamp...@gmail.com <mailto:stefano.zamp...@gmail.com>>
         > >
         > > FYI, I just checked and MatSOR_*SELL does not use any
        vectorized instruction.
         > > Why just not converting to SeqAIJ, factor and then use the
        AIJ implementation for MatSolve for the moment?
         >   Why not use the mat, pmat feature of the solvers to pass in
        both matrices and have the solvers handle using two formats
        simultaneously instead of burdening the MatSELL code with tons
        of special code for automatically converting to AIJ for solvers etc?
         > >
         > > 2018-02-12 18:06 GMT+03:00 Stefano Zampini
        <stefano.zamp...@gmail.com <mailto:stefano.zamp...@gmail.com>>:
         > >
         > >
         > > 2018-02-12 17:36 GMT+03:00 Jed Brown <j...@jedbrown.org
         > > Karl Rupp <r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at
        <mailto:r...@iue.tuwien.ac.at>> writes:
         > >
         > > > Hi Stefano,
         > > >
         > > >> Is there any plan to write code for native ILU/ICC etc
        for SeqSELL, at least to have BJACOBI in parallel?
         > > >
         > > > (imho) ILU/ICC is a pain to do with SeqSELL. Point-Jacobi
        should be
         > > > possible, yes. SELL is really just tailored to MatMults
        and a pain for
         > > > anything that is not very similar to a MatMult...
         > >
         > > There is already MatSOR_*SELL. MatSolve_SeqSELL wouldn't
        be any harder.
         > > I think it would be acceptable to convert to SeqAIJ,
        factor, and convert
         > > the factors back to SELL.
         > >
         > > Yes, this was my idea. Today I have started coding
        something. I'll push the branch whenever I have anything working
         > >
         > >
         > >
         > > --
         > > Stefano
         > >
         > >
         > >
         > > --
         > > Stefano
         > --
         > Stefano

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