You can change the maxstep before the SNESSolve() if needed. Such a huge step 
is not common.

> On Mar 7, 2023, at 12:39 PM, Angus, Justin Ray <> wrote:
> Barry,
> “It defaults to a huge value linesearch->maxstep      = 1e8;” – That is the 
> answer!
> The newton step being taken in the slide I sent is 2.7e10.
> Thank you.
> -Justin
> From: Barry Smith < <>>
> Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 9:34 AM
> To: "Angus, Justin Ray" < <>>
> Cc: Matthew Knepley < <>>, 
> " <>" < 
> <>>
> Subject: Re: [petsc-dev] SNESNEWTONLS
>> On Mar 7, 2023, at 12:19 PM, Angus, Justin Ray < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Matthew,
>> Thank you for the reply. But my question was really related to what Barry 
>> had said – the BT method will use the full step as long as it leads to some 
>> decease in the function norm. The full step does indeed satisfy this 
>> condition, but the BT method does not seem to be using the full step. Why?
>> Is it because the step value is larger than the default maxstep? I don’t 
>> know what that value is or how to find it.
>    The easiest way is to run in a debugger and put in a break point for 
> SNESLineSearchApply_BT(). Step to see exactly what decision it is making
>    You can see the parameters used by running with -snes_view_pre (here pre 
> means to display the parameters before the solve is done). 
>    The line search default values are set in SNESLineSearchCreate() in 
> src/snes/linesearch/interface/linesearch.c  It defaults to a huge value 
> linesearch->maxstep      = 1e8;
>    If you use VSCode or some other programming environment you can set it up 
> to find things in the PETSc source easily 
> <*visual-studio-code-users__;Iw!!G2kpM7uM-TzIFchu!kQU20Vj5R0UB_QFB21x9Xjasg-Ho2l-QtzxZdjA8AKCBr2ieX1aHpvjO04tN68k$>
>   Barry
>> -Justin
>> From: Matthew Knepley < <>>
>> Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 9:16 AM
>> To: "Angus, Justin Ray" < <>>
>> Cc: Barry Smith < <>>, 
>> " <>" 
>> < <>>
>> Subject: Re: [petsc-dev] SNESNEWTONLS
>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 12:03 PM Angus, Justin Ray via petsc-dev 
>> < <>> wrote:
>>> Hi Barry,
>>> Very helpful.
>>> I’m still having some trouble with reconciling your answer to question 
>>> number 2 based on some recent observations I have had. I’ve shared 1 slide 
>>> concerning that observation, which I will briefly describe below.
>>> I have a code that uses petsc but also has a native JFNK solver that works 
>>> in the standard textbook way and always uses the full newton step. I 
>>> recently found that the SNES newton solver in petsc with default options 
>>> was failing on step 1 of a simulation, while our native solver worked fine. 
>>> The fix for petsc was to switch from backtracking line search to basic.
>>> Based in the information in the slide, can you make sense of this behavior?
>> Sure. It is completely possible to converge using full steps when you do not 
>> converge using BT. All of the convergence proofs
>> are predicated on starting "close enough" to the solution. You can start far 
>> away, take full steps, and by chance get into the basin of
>> convergence. BT, that is trying to guarantee convergence, will fail. There 
>> are a very small number of cases for which we can
>> guarantee global convergence.
>>   Thanks,
>>      Matt
>>> -Justin
>>> From: Barry Smith < <>>
>>> Date: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 8:52 AM
>>> To: "Angus, Justin Ray" < <>>
>>> Cc: " <>" 
>>> < <>>
>>> Subject: Re: [petsc-dev] SNESNEWTONLS
>>>> On Mar 7, 2023, at 11:36 AM, Angus, Justin Ray via petsc-dev 
>>>> < <>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I’ve been using the default newton line search nonlinear solver in petsc. 
>>>> I recently discovered that the default line search method is bt – 
>>>> backtracking. I have two questions.
>>>> How exactly does the backtracking line search use the L2 norm of the 
>>>> function to modify the newton step? What is the formula?
>>> <*SNESLINESEARCHBT__;Iw!!G2kpM7uM-TzIFchu!gRMzIDCT2gk_bmfyFDMW_2hqc18xUq_eOd-GQOXGkPsHzw_F01t55J_ab98JKVI$>
>>>> Why is backtracking default? I would think that the basic method, which is 
>>>> a standard Newton method, would be default.
>>>    All SNES Newton line searches use the full Newton step if it satisfies 
>>> the Wolf conditions (there is some decrease in the function norm) and if 
>>> the full Newton step is selected there is no nontrivial extra costs from 
>>> using a line search (since the line search is never done) so there is no 
>>> reason not to default to using SNESLINESEARCHBT. While using ONLY the 
>>> full-step there may not convergence for many situations.  Hence our default.
>>>> -Justin
>> -- 
>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments 
>> is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments 
>> lead.
>> -- Norbert Wiener
>> <*knepley/__;fg!!G2kpM7uM-TzIFchu!j3AGZCLzChJI9AkGBKcae0TA2fNh_B_Y_Isx1koEbyAOIQVPHznYaIG73_xzqJw$>

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