On Wed, 31 May 2006, Matt Funk wrote:

> Hi,
> i need to build PETsC on s sycld machine. Basically i need to have MPI 
> support 
> in PetsC but i need to switch from using mpicc to gcc. 

why use gcc over mpicc? [mpicc should be internally using gcc so it
should satisfy the gcc requiremetn]

> I was wondering if someone could point to how i can do that. (Is there an 
> option that i overlooked?)

Look at 'mpicc -show' to determine the include & library options
required to use this MPI - and then configure PETSc with:

--with-cc=gcc --with-fc=g77 --with-mpi-include=/foo/bar/mpi/include

'mpicc -show' should give the path to libmpi.a and its dependendent libs.


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