On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Roc Wang <pengxw...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>     I am working on multi-level grid for Poisson equation.  I need to
> refine some sub-region in the computational domain. To this, I plan to
> build  some boxes (patches) based on the coarsest level. I am using DM to
> manage the data. I found there is a new function DMPatachCreate() in the
> version 3.4.  Is this function the right one I should use for the refined
> region?  If it is not, which ones I should use?

That is an experiment and does not work.

>     My proposed approach is to start with  code
> dm/impls/patch/examples/tests/ex1.c. And then follow the code
> /dm/examples/tutorials/ex65dm.c. Is this approach the right way to my goal?
>     In addition, I need to use not only the nodes but also the cells
> including nodes.  Should I use DMMesh to create the cells? I noticed DMMesh
> is mainly for unstructured grid, but I didn't find other class that
> implements structured cells.  Can anybody give me some suggestions on
> multi-level grid or let me know which examples I should start with? Thanks.

No, that is not appropriate.

It sounds like you want structured AMR. PETSc does not do this, and there
are packages that do it.:

a) Chombo


which are both patch-based AMR. If you want octree-style AMR you could use
p4est, but it would mean
a lot of coding along the lines of http://arxiv.org/abs/1308.1472, or
Deal.II which is a complete package.
I think Deal is the closest to using PETSc solvers.



What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

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