On Fri, 18 Jul 2014, John Yawney wrote:

> Hello,
> I had a question about PETSc installations. On my local computer I
> configured PETSc (v 3.4.2) using the options:
> ./configure --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpic++ --download-f-blas-lapack
> --download-mpich --download-hypre

BTW: the above doesn't make sense. Its suprising that this install is
working. You should either use the prebuild mpi you have:

./configure --with-cc=mpicc --with-cxx=mpic++ --with-fc=mpif90 
--download-f-blas-lapack --download-hypre

or build mpich with the native compilers:

./configure --with-cc=gcc --with-cxx=g++ --with-fc=gfortran --download-mpich 
--download-f-blas-lapack --download-hypre


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