Hello all,

I'm implementing a multigrid solver using PCMG, starting with a simple Poisson 
equation (with strong boundary conditions) to ensure I'm doing things right.  
Everything works fine in serial, but when running on two processes, with the 
default chebyshev smoother, convergence goes to pot, in particular, the 
preconditioner becomes indefinite.

I've determined that the operators I'm building on each level are indeed 
symmetric, furthermore, if I switch the smoother to jacobi (or sor) 
preconditioned richardson iterations then I get good convergence in both serial 
and parallel runs.  The eigenvalue estimates for the chebyshev smoother look 
plausible in both cases.  Any suggestions as to where to look next to figure 
out what's wrong in my code?  I can try and untangle it such that it 
demonstrates the problem standalone, but that may take a little time.



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