
I'm using petsc with petsc4py.

A matrix is created like that

    MPIrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
    MPIsize = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
    print("MPI Rank = ", MPIrank)
    print("MPI Size = ", MPIsize)
    parts = partitions()
    print("Dimension= ", nSupport + dimension, "bsize = ", len(parts[MPIrank]))

    MPI.COMM_WORLD.Barrier() # Just to keep the output together
    A = PETSc.Mat(); A.createDense( (nSupport + dimension, nSupport + 
dimension), bsize = len(parts[MPIrank]) ) # <-- crash here

Output for mpirun -n 2 is like that and it works:

MPI Rank =  0
MPI Size =  2
Dimension=  10 bsize =  5
MPI Rank =  1
MPI Size =  2
Dimension=  10 bsize =  5

But for mpirun -n 3 it crashes:

MPI Rank =  2
MPI Size =  3
Dimension=  10 bsize =  3
MPI Rank =  1
MPI Size =  3
Dimension=  10 bsize =  4
MPI Rank =  0
MPI Size =  3
Dimension=  10 bsize =  3

Error is ValueError: global size 10 not divisible by block size 3.

I tried to dig a bit into the source. Mat_Create uses Mat_Dense to unpack the 
size and bsize parameters. When there just a scalar n, not a tuple t given as 
parameter it assumes t = (n, n). (Right?). That should be fine.

When I omit bsize, and mpirun -n 3, A.owner_range returns

(4, 7)
(0, 4)
(7, 10)

Which essentially is the same partioning that I manually set (I need to set 
partioning manually). Also the sum of bsizes equals the dimension. What is the 
problem here?


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