No, I'm not sure if it should. It belongs to the same category as "problem_type" == TS_LINEAR / == TS_NONLINEAR.


On 6/18/15 11:15 AM, Abhyankar, Shrirang G. wrote:
Can the DAE equation type be supplied via a run-time option?


-----Original Message-----
From: barry smith <>
Date: Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 11:08 AM
To: Italo Tasso <>, "Constantinescu, Emil M."
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [petsc-users] arkimex rejecting all dt in petsc 3.6.0

  Here is the response from Emil who made the changes to the code

If you are solving a DAE then in the new version, we introduced a new
flag that distinguishes between ODEs and DAEs leading to different
semantics. For DAEs this is needed b/c it may not have consistent initial

If solving DAEs, the user has to set the EquationType appropriately:
ierr = TSSetEquationType(ts,TS_EQ_DAE_IMPLICIT_INDEX1);CHKERRQ(ierr);

This is documented in the doc, but I didn't add it to the changelog (Jed
pointed it out to me).

Currently it only affects -ts_type arkimex. I'll work with Satish to add
it to the changelog.

*If that's not the case:* let me know and we can dig deeper.


On Jun 18, 2015, at 5:48 AM, Italo Tasso <> wrote:

I just upgraded to 3.6.0 and my code stopped working. All dt are
rejected. I used the same configure line, same code, same everything.

With 3.5.4 I get:

0 TS dt 1e-06 time 0
     0 SNES Function norm 2.549981005316e+05
     1 SNES Function norm 6.107056905987e-03
     2 SNES Function norm 1.483881932064e-10
     3 SNES Function norm 9.122873794272e-11
   Nonlinear solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 3
     0 SNES Function norm 7.790429171165e+04
     1 SNES Function norm 7.289068747803e-04
     2 SNES Function norm 8.227639633330e-11
   Nonlinear solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 2
     0 SNES Function norm 1.154356516184e+05
     1 SNES Function norm 2.309925413255e-03
     2 SNES Function norm 6.382141981406e-11
   Nonlinear solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 2
       TSAdapt 'basic': step   0 accepted t=0          + 1.000e-06
wlte=0.000654 family='arkimex' scheme=0:'3' dt=1.000e-05

With 3.6.0 I get:

0 TS dt 1e-06 time 0
     0 SNES Function norm 2.549981005316e+05
     1 SNES Function norm 6.107056925316e-03
     2 SNES Function norm 1.519319591792e-10
     3 SNES Function norm 9.070104116945e-11
   Nonlinear solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 3
     0 SNES Function norm 7.790429171165e+04
     1 SNES Function norm 6.942541792651e-04
     2 SNES Function norm 8.458781909516e-11
   Nonlinear solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 2
     0 SNES Function norm 1.154356516184e+05
     1 SNES Function norm 2.287202942961e-03
     2 SNES Function norm 6.585201377573e-11
   Nonlinear solve converged due to CONVERGED_FNORM_ABS iterations 2
       TSAdapt 'basic': step   0 rejected t=0          + 1.000e-06 wlte=
324 family='arkimex' scheme=0:'3' dt=1.311e-07

Any ideas? I attached the full output.

Options I use:

-ts_view -ts_type arkimex -ts_arkimex_fully_implicit -ts_adapt_monitor
-ts_monitor -snes_monitor -snes_converged_reason -ksp_type preonly
-pc_type lu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps -snes_rtol 0 -snes_atol
1e-10 -snes_stol 0


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