Version should not matter. Do other command line options work? You can also 


in the code just before the call to KSPSolve().

   Or run in the debugger and put a break point in KSPSolve and then next/step 
through to see why the call to 
MatViewFromOptions() is not triggered.


> On Jul 14, 2015, at 3:13 PM, Greg Miller <> wrote:
> Thank you for the suggestion, Barry.  I've tried using these options, but the 
> code generates no output.
> i.e., no saved binary files.  I'm using 3.5.3 - might that be the problem?  
> Do you recommend a 3.6 upgrade?
> Thank you,
> Greg
> On 07/13/2015 07:45 PM, Barry Smith wrote:
>>  You can save a (or multiple) linear system(s) with additional options
>> -ksp_view_mat  binary:filename -ksp_view_rhs binary:filename 
>> and then simply email the file named filename to 
>> with number of processes you are using and solver options and we can run the 
>> same problem and thus hopefully reproduce the troublesome behavior.
>>  Barry
>>> On Jul 13, 2015, at 3:23 PM, Mark Adams <> wrote:
>>> Please respond to all, to get the petsc mailing list.
>>> The out file here looks fine.  It would help of you run in debug mode (and 
>>> get -g) so that gdb can give line numbers.
>>> If the error is in the dot product it looks like you are getting an Inf or 
>>> Nan someplace.  If the first evaluation of the norm was the problem then 
>>> run the bad code and add a VecView and MatView, and add a VecNorm and 
>>> MatNorm so that the error happens in your code, just to check.  If you had 
>>> 1e200 number in the vector then the 2 norm would give you this trap for 
>>> overflow.  You could test with the inf norm and it works then it is an 
>>> overflow problem.
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Greg Miller <>
>>> Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 3:54 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Fwd: same petsc problem
>>> To: Mark Adams <>
>>> Cc: "" <>
>>> thanks.  here it is.
>>> I'm not getting the nan problem with this code - not sure why.  NaN  was 
>>> showing up KSP_solve in the first evaluation of the vector norm.
>>> In going from my original example to the minimal code I mailed today the 
>>> matrix coefficients got rounded through asci printing.
>>> That's the only difference I can think of.  The gdb stack from the old code 
>>> is shown below.
>>> G
>>> Program received signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
>>> 0x00007ffff6c4ed15 in ddot_ () from /usr/lib/
>>> (gdb) where
>>> #0  0x00007ffff6c4ed15 in ddot_ () from /usr/lib/
>>> #1  0x00000000008f87da in VecNorm_Seq (xin=0x22e7ca0, type=NORM_2, 
>>> z=0x7fffffffba30)
>>>    at /home/usr/local/src/petsc-3.5.3/src/vec/vec/impls/seq/bvec2.c:614
>>> #2  0x00000000008c9eea in VecNorm (x=0x22e7ca0, type=NORM_2, 
>>> val=0x7fffffffba30)
>>>    at /home/usr/local/src/petsc-3.5.3/src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c:242
>>> #3  0x00000000008cab40 in VecNormalize (x=0x22e7ca0, val=0x7fffffffbaa0) at 
>>> /home/usr/local/src/petsc-3.5.3/src/vec/vec/interface/rvector.c:337
>>> #4  0x0000000000d44a9d in KSPGMRESCycle (itcount=0x7fffffffbb08, 
>>> ksp=0x2288ff0)
>>>    at /home/usr/local/src/petsc-3.5.3/src/ksp/ksp/impls/gmres/gmres.c:161
>>> #5  0x0000000000d453e3 in KSPSolve_GMRES (ksp=0x2288ff0) at 
>>> /home/usr/local/src/petsc-3.5.3/src/ksp/ksp/impls/gmres/gmres.c:235
>>> On 07/13/2015 11:54 AM, Mark Adams wrote:
>>>> Greg, I am forwarding this to the PETSc mailing list.
>>>> Please send the entire output from this run.  As I recall you were getting 
>>>> a message that all values were not the same on all processors in GMRES.  I 
>>>> have seen this when I get NaNs in the system.
>>>> While you are doing this you should use a simple solver like change:
>>>> -pressure_pc_type gamg
>>>> to
>>>> -pressure_pc_type jacobi
>>>> And add:
>>>> *-*pressure_*ksp_monitor_true_residual*
>>>> Mark
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: *Greg Miller* < <>>
>>>> Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 2:08 PM
>>>> Subject: same petsc problem
>>>> To: Mark Adams < <>>
>>>> Cc: David Trebotich < <>>
>>>> Hi Mark.  I'm still stuck on the same petsc problem.   Would you please 
>>>> try the attached minimal example and advise me?
>>>> I'm running this without MPI:
>>>> There is no input file.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Greg
>>>> --
>>>> Greg Miller
>>>> Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
>>>> University of California, Davis
>>>> One Shields Avenue
>>>> Davis, CA 95616
>>>> <>
>>> --
>>> Greg Miller
>>> Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
>>> University of California, Davis
>>> One Shields Avenue
>>> Davis, CA 95616
>>> <out.txt>
> -- 
> Greg Miller
> Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
> University of California, Davis
> One Shields Avenue
> Davis, CA 95616

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