

I'm just getting started with PETSc and have been able to configure and run
the examples, but as I'm starting to put together a more substantial code
with multiple source files I haven't been able to find or create a makefile
which works and follows PETSc guidelines.


I've configured and am building with the Intel compilers and MKL for blas &
lapack, as per the installation example, and with the C++ language.


Here's my makefile --------------------------------------


# makefile for femex1 - PETSc/kde/ex1.c adapted for FEA


# Usage: make all

#        make clean


# PETSc was configured using the Intel Compilers, MKL, and C++


CFLAGS        = 


CLFLAGS      = 


TARGET        = femex1



include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables

include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules


OBJFILES = femex1.o \



all: $(TARGET)





# femex1.cpp has 'main' and PETSc calls

femex1.o: femex1.cpp lists.h shapes.h  chkopts

       ${PETSC_CXXCOMPILE} femex1.cpp


# shapes.cpp does not have any PETSc calls

shapes.o: shapes.cpp shapes.h

       icpc -c shapes.cpp


And here's the result ------------------------------------


[Matt@HPCL1 mycode]$ make all

/opt/petsc/petsc-3.6.3/linux-gnu-intel/bin/mpicxx -c -wd1572 -g  -fPIC
-I/opt/petsc/petsc-3.6.3/linux-gnu-intel/include      femex1.cpp

icpc -c shapes.cpp

make: *** No rule to make target
`-Wl,-rpath,/opt/petsc/petsc-3.6.3/linux-gnu-intel/lib', needed by `femex1'.



So it compiles the two sources, but then fails on the linking step.


Thanks in advance.

Matt Overholt

CapeSym, Inc.

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