> On 29 Jun 2016, at 19:47, Khai Pham <khaip...@utexas.edu> wrote:
> Thanks for your response. Is DMMoad is other special kind of data structure 
> in Petsc? I'd like to use the petsc FAS for the finite element code in our 
> group and all the data structure for mesh topology is all set. Thus I try to 
> avoid all petsc data structure. As far as I know the FAS will construct the 
> coarse solution based on DM for structured grid and DMPlex for unstructured 
> grid as in ex12. Would it be possible to use FAS without using petsc 
> DM/DMPlex by adding extra code? How much effort would you estimate? Thanks !

You can use a DMShell and just implement the needed grid transfer operations 
using your own data structures and then use the DMShellSetXXX interfaces to 
hook them up. 


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