On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Ingo Gaertner <ingogaertner....@gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> as part of my studies I would like to implement a simple finite volume CFD
> solver (following the textbook by Ferziger) on an unstructured, distributed
> mesh. It seems like the DMPlex class with its DMPlex*FVM methods has
> prepared much of what is needed for such a CFD solver.
> Unfortunately I couldn't find any examples how all the great solutions can
> be used that appear to be already implemented in PETSc. Are some basic
> tutorials available, for example how to solve a simple poisson equation on
> a DMPlex using PETSc's FVM methods, so that I don't have to reinvent the
> wheel?

There are no tutorials, and almost no documentation. The best thing to look
at is TS ex11. This solves a bunch of different equations
(advection, shallow water, Euler) with a "pointwise" Riemann solver. Feel
free to ask questions about it. However, I acknowledge
that the learning curve is steep. I have put much more time into the FEM
examples. I will eventually get around to FVM, but feel free
to contribute a simple example (the TS ex45, 46, and 47 were contributed
FEM examples).



> Thanks
> Ingo
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