On 23/2/2018 1:40 AM, Smith, Barry F. wrote:
   First run under valgrind to look for memory issues.

    Second I would change 1 thing at a time. So use the intel 2017 compiler 
with PETSc 2.8.3 so the only change is your needed changes to match 2.8.3 and 
does not include a compiler change.

    I am not sure what numbers you are printing below but often changing 
optimization levels can and will change numerical values slightly so change in 
numerical values may not indicate anything is wrong (or it may indicate 
something is wrong depending on how different the numerical values are).



I realised finally that it is due to compiling with -O3 and my prev PETSc (3.7.6) build, but using -O2 in the current build

But just to confirm, is it ok to compile with -O3 for PETSc?

On Feb 21, 2018, at 10:23 PM, TAY wee-beng <zon...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 21/2/2018 11:44 AM, Smith, Barry F. wrote:
   Did you follow the directions in the changes file for 3.8?

<li>Replace calls to DMDACreateXd() with DMDACreateXd(), [DMSetFromOptions()] 
         <li>DMDACreateXd() no longer can take negative values for dimensons, instead 
pass positive values and call DMSetFromOptions() immediately after</li>

I suspect you are not calling DMSetUp() and this is causing the problem.

Ops sorry, indeed I didn't change that part. Got it compiled now.

However, I have got a new problem. Previously, I was using Intel 2016 with 
PETSc 3.7.6. During compile, I used -O3 for all modules except one, which will 
give error (due to DMDAVecGetArrayF90 and DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90). Hence, I 
need to use -O1.

Now, I'm using Intel 2018 with PETSc 3.8.3 and I got the error:

M Diverged but why?, time =            2
  reason =           -9

I tried to change all *.F90 from using -O3 to -O1 and although there's no 
diverged err printed, my values are different:

1      0.01600000      0.46655767      0.46310378      1.42427154 
-0.81598016E+02 -0.11854431E-01  0.42046197E+06
        2      0.00956350      0.67395693      0.64698638 1.44166606 
-0.12828928E+03  0.12179394E-01  0.41961824E+06


1      0.01600000      0.49096543      0.46259333      1.41828130 
-0.81561221E+02 -0.16146574E-01  0.42046335E+06
        2      0.00956310      0.68342495      0.63682485 1.44353571 
-0.12813998E+03  0.24226242E+00  0.41962121E+06

The latter values are obtained using the debug built and they compared 
correctly with another cluster, which use GNU.

What going on and how should I troubleshoot?

On Feb 20, 2018, at 7:35 PM, TAY wee-beng <zon...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 21/2/2018 10:47 AM, Smith, Barry F. wrote:
   Try setting

   u_global = tVec(1)

   immediately before the call to DMCreateGlobalVector()


I added the line in but still got the same error below. Btw, my code is 
organised as:

module global_data

#include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h"
use petsc
use kdtree2_module
implicit none
Vec u_local,u_global ...

subroutine allo_var
u_global = tVec(1)
call DMCreateGlobalVector(da_u,u_global,ierr)

[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ----------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: Null argument, when expecting valid pointer
[0]PETSC ERROR: Null Object: Parameter # 2
[0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trou
ble shooting.
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.8.3, Dec, 09, 2017
[0]PETSC ERROR: C:\Obj_tmp\ibm3d_IIB_mpi\Debug\ibm3d_IIB_mpi.exe on a petsc-3.8.
3_win64_msmpi_vs2008 named 1C3YYY1-PC by tsltaywb Wed Feb 21 11:18:20 2018
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-cc="win32fe icl" --with-fc="win32fe ifo
rt" --with-cxx="win32fe icl" --download-fblaslapack --with-mpi-include="[/cygdri
ve/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/MPI/Include,/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x
86)/Microsoft SDKs/MPI/Include/x64]" --with-mpi-mpiexec="/cygdrive/c/Program Fil
es/Microsoft MPI/Bin/mpiexec.exe" --with-debugging=1 --with-file-create-pause=1
--prefix=/cygdrive/c/wtay/Lib/petsc-3.8.3_win64_msmpi_vs2008 --with-mpi-lib="[/c
ygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/MPI/Lib/x64/msmpifec.lib,/cygdrive/
c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/MPI/Lib/x64/msmpi.lib]" --with-shared-libra
[0]PETSC ERROR: #1 VecSetLocalToGlobalMapping() line 78 in C:\Source\PETSC-~2.3\
[0]PETSC ERROR: #2 DMCreateGlobalVector_DA() line 41 in C:\Source\PETSC-~2.3\src
[0]PETSC ERROR: #3 DMCreateGlobalVector() line 844 in C:\Source\PETSC-~2.3\src\d

On Feb 20, 2018, at 6:40 PM, TAY wee-beng <zon...@gmail.com> wrote:


Indeed, replacing tvec with t_vec solves the problem. Now I'm trying to debug 
step by step. I got into problem when calling:

call DMCreateGlobalVector(da_u,u_global,ierr)

The error is:

[0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message ----------------------------
[0]PETSC ERROR: Null argument, when expecting valid pointer
[0]PETSC ERROR: Null Object: Parameter # 2
[0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html for trou
ble shooting.
[0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.8.3, Dec, 09, 2017
[0]PETSC ERROR: C:\Obj_tmp\ibm3d_IIB_mpi\Debug\ibm3d_IIB_mpi.exe on a petsc-3.8.
3_win64_msmpi_vs2008 named 1C3YYY1-PC by tsltaywb Wed Feb 21 10:20:20 2018
[0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-cc="win32fe icl" --with-fc="win32fe ifo
rt" --with-cxx="win32fe icl" --download-fblaslapack --with-mpi-include="[/cygdri
ve/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/MPI/Include,/cygdrive/c/Program Files 

But all I changed is from:

module global_data
#include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h"
use petsc
use kdtree2_module
implicit none
!grid variables

integer :: size_x,s....



module global_data
use kdtree2_module
implicit none
#include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h90"
!grid variables
integer :: size_x,s...


da_u, u_global were declared thru:

DM  da_u,da_v,...
DM  da_cu_types ...
Vec u_local,u_global,v_local...

So what could be the problem?

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

TAY Wee-Beng (Zheng Weiming) 郑伟明
Personal research webpage: http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website
Youtube research showcase: 
linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng

On 20/2/2018 10:46 PM, Jose E. Roman wrote:
Probably the first error is produced by using a variable (mpi_comm) with the 
same name as an MPI type.

The second error I guess is due to variable tvec, since a Fortran type tVec is 
now being defined in src/vec/f90-mod/petscvec.h


El 20 feb 2018, a las 15:35, Smith, Barry F. <bsm...@mcs.anl.gov> escribió:

   Please run a clean compile of everything and cut and paste all the output. 
This will make it much easier to debug than trying to understand your snippets 
of what is going wrong.

On Feb 20, 2018, at 1:56 AM, TAY Wee Beng <tslta...@nus.edu.sg> wrote:


I was previously using PETSc 3.7.6 on different clusters with both Intel
Fortran and GNU Fortran. After upgrading, I met some problems when
trying to compile:

On Intel Fortran:

Previously, I was using:

#include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h90"

in *.F90 when requires the use of PETSc

I read in the change log that h90 is no longer there and so I replaced
with #include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h"

It worked. But I also have some *.F90 which do not use PETSc. However,
they use some modules which uses PETSc.

Now I can't compile them. The error is :

math_routine.f90(3): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module
file.  Check INCLUDE paths.   [PETSC]
use mpi_subroutines

mpi_subroutines is a module which uses PETSc, and it compiled w/o problem.

The solution is that I have to compile e.g.  math_routine.F90 as if they
use PETSc, by including PETSc include and lib files.

May I know why this is so? It was not necessary before.

Anyway, it managed to compile until it reached hypre.F90.

Previously, due to some bugs, I have to compile hypre with the -r8
option. Also, I have to use:

integer(8) mpi_comm

mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD

to make my codes work with HYPRE.

But now, compiling gives the error:

hypre.F90(11): error #6401: The attributes of this name conflict with
those made accessible by a USE statement.   [MPI_COMM]
integer(8) mpi_comm
hypre.F90(84): error #6478: A type-name must not be used as a
variable.   [MPI_COMM]
   mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
hypre.F90(84): error #6303: The assignment operation or the binary
expression operation is invalid for the data types of the two
operands.   [1140850688]
   mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD
hypre.F90(100): error #6478: A type-name must not be used as a
variable.   [MPI_COMM]
       call HYPRE_StructGridCreate(mpi_comm, 3, grid_hypre, ierr)

What's actually happening? Why can't I compile now?

On GNU gfortran:

I tried to use similar tactics as above here. However, when compiling
math_routine.F90, I got the error:


call subb(orig,vert1,tvec)
Error: Invalid procedure argument at (1)

qvec = cross_pdt2(tvec,edge1)
Error: Invalid procedure argument at (1)

    uu = dot_product(tvec,pvec)
Error: ‘vector_a’ argument of ‘dot_product’ intrinsic at (1) must be
numeric or LOGICAL

    uu = dot_product(tvec,pvec)

These errors were not present before. My variables are mostly vectors:

real(8), intent(in) ::

real(8) :: uu,vv,dir(3)

real(8) :: edge1(3),edge2(3),tvec(3),pvec(3),qvec(3),det,inv_det,epsilon,d,t

I wonder what happened?

Please advice.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,

TAY Wee-Beng 郑伟明
Research Scientist
Experimental AeroScience Group
Temasek Laboratories
National University of Singapore
T-Lab Building
5A, Engineering Drive 1, #02-02
Singapore 117411
Phone: +65 65167330
E-mail: tslta...@nus.edu.sg
Personal research webpage: http://tayweebeng.wixsite.com/website
Youtube research showcase: 
linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/tay-weebeng


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