> On Apr 10, 2018, at 5:40 PM, Satish Balay <ba...@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2018, Jeff Hammond wrote:
>> Can you try on a non-KNL host?  It's a bug either way but I want to
>> determine if KNL host is the issue.
> Breaks on 'E5-2695 v4' aswell (bebop.lcrc) with '-axcore-avx2' and 'icc (ICC) 
> 18.0.1 20171018'
>> Based only what I see below, Randy doesn't seem to be reporting a
>> KNL-specific issue.  Is that incorrect?
> Hardware details weren't mentioned in this thread.
>> Again, there is clearly a bug here, but it helps to localize the problem as
>> much as possible.
>>>>>> On Thu, 5 Apr 2018, Randall Mackie wrote:
>>>>> so I assume this is an Intel bug, but before we submit a bug
>>>>> report I wanted to see if anyone else had similar experiences?
> Randy,
> I'll leave this to you to file a report with Intel.
> Thanks,
> Satish

Hi Satish,

As requested we filed a report with Intel, and this is their response:

From: Intel Customer Support <supportrepl...@intel.com 
Sent: 14 May 2018 19:56
Subject: Intel Developer Products Support - Update to Service Request#:03369230


An update was made to service request on May 14, 2018:
Thank you for the additional information. Our engineering team investigated 
this case. Please see the following resolution:


There is a bug in customer’s code:


At line 157 of “/src/dm/impls/da/f90-custom/zda1f90.c”


*ierr = F90Array3dDestroy(&a,PETSC_SCALAR PETSC_F90_2PTR_PARAM(ptrd));


Here “&a” should be “a” because “a” was passed from call at line 79 of 
“test.F90” as the 3rd arguments DMDAVecRestoreArrayF90(da1,vec1,ptr_v1,ierr). 
In fortran the array descriptor of assumed-shape array will be passed by 
address so when it is passed to another C function it shouldn’t be taken 
address again. There are other places in the code having the same error. After 
removing “&” the code can be built and run without error.


In addition, this issue was discussed 4 years ago 
without noticing the bug in the code, more likely a user coding error.

I am going to close out this case as not a compiler defect. You can reopen by 
posting a reply if you have any problem with the above resolution.

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