Good morning,
I am contacting you for some clarification regarding DMNetwork routines.

>From the documentation I found the flow for the creation of an application
code is the following:
1. Create a Network and register components
2. Set network size and layout
3. Set components and number of variables for nodes/edges
4. Set up the network
5. Distribute the network

Following that flow, from point 1 to point 4 the Network is "owned" only by
the 0 rank processor while after point 5 the network is partitioned and
"owned" by the n processors involved in the computation (according to the
partitioner used).

I was trying to let all the n processors involved read a portion of the
network in such a way that the flow listed before will be a multiprocessor
process and not restricted only to the rank 0 processor (parallel input
data). In this way after point 4 I will have a distributed network and I
don't need to call DMNetworkDistribute(). Unfortunately the documentation I
found doesn't explain how to do that, so I would like to ask you if it is
feasible and if you have some examples or documentation that you can share
for this purpose.

Thank you in advance for your availability,


Andrea Ceresoli

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