I met a case where MUMPS returned an out-of-memory code but PETSc continued to 
run.  When PETSc calls MUMPS, it checks if (A->erroriffailure). I added 
-mat_error_if_failure, but it did not work since it was overwritten by 
Does it suggest we should add a new option -pc_factor_error_if_failure and 
check it in PCSetFromOptions_Factor()?

--Junchao Zhang

On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 8:12 PM Zhang, Hong 
<hzh...@mcs.anl.gov<mailto:hzh...@mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:
Hello PETSc team:

I am trying to solve a PDE problem with high-order finite elements. The matrix 
is getting denser and my experience is that MUMPS just outperforms iterative 

For certain problems, MUMPS just fail in the middle for no clear reason. I just 
wander if there is any suggestion to improve the robustness of MUMPS? Or in 
general, any suggestion for interative solver with very high-order finite 

What error message do you get when MUMPS fails? Out of memory, zero pivoting, 
or something?

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