The log shows that the LS keeps backtracking on the step length and still fails 
to find any point that reduces the function value even though the gradient 
passes the directional derivative test (i.e. it is a valid descent direction). 
If you’re confident that the gradient is accurate, then this behavior suggests 
that you’re stuck at a discontinuity in the function. Are you certain that this 
objective is at least C1 continuous?

I also see that the LS is taking a step length of 5.0 in the 109th iteration 
right before it fails on the 110th. This might be too aggressive. You could 
restrict this with “-tao_ls_stepmax 1.0” or switch to a backtracking LS with 
“-tao_ls_type armijo” see if it changes anything at all. Note that the 
backtracking line search may behave a bit differently than restricting max step 
to 1.0, because backtracking completely ignores curvature information. Trying 
both would be helpful.

You could additionally try to disable the line search entirely with 
“-tao_ls_type unit” and accept 1.0 step lengths no matter what. This might 
cause an issue at the very beginning where I do see the LS doing some work. 
However, if it helps you reach the same point of failure as before, then it 
will keep going further without LS failures, and what happens with the function 
value and gradient norm here can help diagnose the problem. If there is indeed 
a discontinuous point like I suspect, then BNCG without line search might 
bounce back and forth around that point until it hits the iteration limit.

TAO does have support for matrix-free Hessians in the Newton-type algorithms. 
You can switch to them with “-tao_type bnls” for Newton Line Search or 
“-tao_type bntr” for Newton Trust Region. They both use a Krylov method to 
iteratively invert the Hessian, and in matrix-free cases, use a BFGS 
approximation as the preconditioner. They're going to take more time per 
iteration, but should at least reach the point of failure in fewer iterations 
than BNCG. Whether or not that trade-off improves the overall time is problem 
dependent. The same LS modifications I mentioned above are also applicable to 
these. Ultimately though, if there really is a discontinuity, they're likely to 
get stuck in the same spot unless they manages to find a different local 
minimum that BNCG is not finding.

Alp Dener
Postdoctoral Researcher
Argonne National Laboratory

On February 27, 2020 at 1:48:44 PM, Ellen Price 
(<>) wrote:

I tried what you suggested and used the bounded CG method. It gets a lot 
farther than the unconstrained CG method and finds a lower residual, but it 
still experiences a line search failure after a while. Any thoughts? I'm 
attaching the log output.

In case it's helpful, I also spent a few more hours working on the code and now 
can compute the Hessian times an arbitrary vector (matrix-free using a 
MATSHELL); even matrix-free, however, the Hessian is much slower to compute 
than the gradient and objective. To answer a previous question, I am as sure as 
I can be that the gradient is correct, since I'm using automatic 
differentiation and not relying on a hand-coded function.

Thanks for your help,

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020 at 11:40 AM Adam Denchfield 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Ellen,

It is as Alp said. To emphasize what he said, you don't need to worry about 
using a bounded CG method - the bounded CG methods can be used for 
unconstrained problems, and are much better than the old unconstrained CG code.

On Thu, Feb 27, 2020, 9:55 AM Dener, Alp via petsc-users 
<<>> wrote:
Hi Ellen,

It looks like you’re using the old unconstrained CG code. This will be 
deprecated in the near future in favor of the newer bound-constrained CG 
algorithm (TAOBNCG) that can also solve unconstrained problems when the user 
does not specify any bounds on the problem.

The newer TAOBNCG algorithm implements a preconditioner that significantly 
improves the scaling of the search direction and helps the line search accept 
the unit step length most of the time. I would recommend making sure that 
you’re on PETSc version 3.11 or newer, and then switching to this with 
“-tao_type bncg”. You will not need to change any of your code to do this. If 
you still fail to converge, please send a new log with the new algorithm and we 
can evaluate the next steps.

Alp Dener
Postdoctoral Researcher
Argonne National Laboratory

On February 26, 2020 at 6:01:34 PM, Ellen Price 
(<>) wrote:

Hi Jed,

Thanks for getting back to me! Here's the output for my CG config. Sorry it's 
kind of a lot.


On Wed, Feb 26, 2020 at 12:43 PM Jed Brown 
<<>> wrote:
Could you share output for your current configuration with -tao_monitor 
-tao_ls_monitor -tao_view?

"Ellen M. Price" 
<<>> writes:

> Hello PETSc users!
> I am using Tao for an unconstrained minimization problem. I have found
> that CG works better than the other types for this application. After
> about 85 iterations, I get an error about line search failure. I'm not
> clear on what this means, or how I could mitigate the problem, and
> neither the manual nor FAQ give any guidance. Can anyone suggest things
> I could try to help the method converge? I have function and gradient
> info, but no Hessian.
> Thanks,
> Ellen Price

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